  • 期刊


Long-Term Oxygen Therapy in Patients with COPD


自從美國夜間氧氣試驗(the Noctural Oxygen Therapy Trial, NOTT) 及英國醫學研究組對氧氣使用的研究(United Kingdom Medical Research Council Trial, MRC)相繼公佈於世,長期氧氣治療對於嚴重低血氧的慢性阻塞性肺疾(COPD)病患的必要性及重要性已確立。在歐美且已列為COPD病人之必要治療項目而納入保險給付的範圍。為使長期氧氣治療使用正確而不濫用,評估病人的氧合狀態以篩選適當的病患,確立治療目標,選擇安全、易維修、補充方便、攜帶輕便且花費便宜的氧氣源,配加節約氧氣的使用方法,並予病患及家屬衛教,使病患能長期而正確的遵照醫囑使用氧氣,避免可能發生的併發症,而真正得到治療的好處。


After the publications of NOTT and MRC trial, long-term oxygen therapy has been accepted as an important and necessary treatment regime in COPD patients with severe resting chronic hypoxemia. Appropriate evaluation of oxygenation status helps to select the right candidate to have this therapy. Setting the proper treatment goal is based on the individual patient's need. The three major delivery systems for the long-term home oxygen therapy are compressed oxygen in tanks, liquid oxygen, and oxygen concentrators. Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of any system for individual patient must be based on relative cost, portability, and safety features. The three commercially available means for improving oxygen-delivery efficiency are the transtracheal catheter, the reservoir cannula, and the demand oxygen delivery system. Each method is designed to reduce oxygen wastage during exhalation and each has its own advantages and drawbacks. Careful instruction, close supervision, and periodic re-evaluation and instruction are essential to improve patient's compliance, to reduce the incidence of complications, and to obtain the optimal benefit.


Long-term oxygen therapy COPD


