  • 期刊


A Provisioning and Management Mechanism for Interactive Regional Push Service


本文提出一種互動式的地域推播服務布建與管理機制,其目的主要是協助服務提供者快速布建適地性服務(Location-based Service; LBS),而服務需求者也能夠藉由該系統迅速回應其需求。其中互動式的對象包含了兩個部分,一個是移動式服務提供商,另一個是服務需求者。利用互動式地域服務布建演算法進行LBS的快速布建,除可符合即時性與臨時性之適地性需求,此外運用互動式地域服務中斷演算法與服務時間限制,可有效進行LBS的中斷與回收。另外,在LBS服務的過程中,透過服務使用者與提供者間的溝通聯繫,其路測設備(Road-Side Unit; RSU)將運用互動式地域服務追蹤演算法來實現。最後,輔以模擬實際情況於RSU環境下測試互動式地域推播服務。


This study proposes an interactive regional push service provisioning and management mechanism. The mainly objective is to assist the service providers in rapid provisioning for LBS (Location-based Service). On the other hand, the service users also can rapidly response the requirements by using the service platform. The interactive target consist two portions, one is the mobile service provider, and another is the service user. By utilizing the proposed interactive regional push service provisioning algorithm, the LBS can be provisioned rapidly to satisfy the requirements of immediacy and temporary. Moreover, the interruption and retrieve of the LBS are achieved by the proposed interactive regional service interrupted algorithm and the limitation of service time. On the other hand, in the LBS service processing, the interactive regional service tracking algorithm is realized in RSU (Road-side Unit) by communicating between service user and provider. Finally, the simulation result is provided to test the interactive regional push service in RSU environment.
