  • 期刊


A Correlational Study of Sexist Attitudes and Job Stress on Junior High School Physical Education Teachers




Purpose: This study examines the relationship between sexist attitudes and job stress among junior high school physical education teachers. Methods: A proportioned cluster sampling questionnaire containing the Ambivalence Sexism Inventory (ASI), the Ambivalence toward Men Inventory (AMI), and a self-designed Physical Education Teacher Job Stress Inventory was administered to Taipei City junior high school physical education teachers (513 PE teachers). Results: Analysis of the 204 valid questionnaires collected (133 males and 71 females) showed that: (a) Benevolent sexism is the highest of the four sexist attitudes (benevolent sexism, hostile sexism, hostility toward men, and benevolence toward men) in physical education teachers. (b) Men and women have higher hostile attitudes toward each other, and men are more benevolent toward men. (c) Differences in gender, job responsibilities, and marital status substantially affect these attitudes. (d) Job stress was significantly influenced by gender. And, (e) there is a significant positive correlation between sexism and job stress. Conclusions: In the working environment of junior high school physical education teachers, women encounter more sexism. However, they do not feel more job stress than men. There are individual differences due to variation in backgrounds. There is a correlation between sexist attitudes and job stress.


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