



Medical informatics is the science of applying computer technology to solve the problems of storage and retrieval and the sharing of biomedical information. It is also used to solve medical problem and in decision analysis. Since the 1980s, computer technology has progressed rapidly while medical information has greatly increased. In foreign countries medical informatics becomes an important discipline in medicine, but in Taiwan it is just in its beginning and is extremely lacking in curriculum and qualified faculty. The Department of Medical Informatics, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, began a compulsory course of medical informatics for second-year medical students in 1994 which was the first formal course of medical informatics in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the computer literacy of medical students and to compare the differences of computer usage before and after the course. We also wanted to evaluate the content and quality of the software taught. This study surveyed 134 second-year medical students before and after taking this course. A formatted questionnaire included computer knowledge and the style of using computers was used. About 90% of students had experience using computers, but only 50% owned computers and 50% had taken computer courses. About two thirds of the medical students were computer illiterate, however, 10% of the medical students were considered experts. The most common software used by students included game/multimedia, word processor and Chinese operation system. The frequency of using the Internet and the literature searching programs increased significantly after the course. Students also preferred graphic user interface programs and suggested increasing their use in this course. The comparison between before and after the course revealed significant increases of computer usage, learning motivation and the students' preference of graphic user interface. This study revealed medical students generally lack computer knowledge and capabilities. However, this finding varied greatly between individual students. In the future, medical informatics should enhance basic computer training and also consider individual differences. The design of curriculum should focus on both mono-component and multidiscipline courses. It should integrate lectures with actual computer use in basic and clinical science to further advance medical education in Taiwan.


