  • 期刊


Study on the Effects of a Smoking Prevention Program among the Junior High School Students in Taipei City




學生 吸菸 菸害 預防 教育


The aims of the study were to develop a smoking prevention curriculum and to evaluate the effects of the education intervention for the seventh-grade students in New Taipei city. The study was quasi-experimental in nature. The experimental group received six modular sessions (ten classes) in one academic year. The data was collected via a self-administrated questionnaire, with the total number of valid subject being 489.The results of the study were as follows: Compared with the two control groups, the intervention could significantly increase the knowledge of tobacco hazards in the experimental group, both in terms of immediate and delay effects. Also, the intervention could significantly increase the possible use of refusal skills in the experimental group, compared with the two control groups in terms of immediate effect. Conclusions: It was concluded that the project could increase the knowledge of tobacco hazards and the possible use of refusal skills among the students.


education prevention smoking student tobacco hazards


衛生福利部國民健康署(2013)。青少年吸菸行為調查(Global Youth Tobacco Survey, GYTS)。取自http://tobacco.hpa.gov.tw/Show.aspx?MenuId= 582
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