  • 期刊


Factor Structure and Variance Partitionment of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) in Taiwan



魏氏幼兒智力量表修訂版(Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Revised Edition; WPPSI-R)是國內新近標準化完成,適用於3至7歲半幼兒的個別化智力測量工具。本研究根據WPPSI-R臺灣標準化樣本900位幼兒資料,進行探索與驗證性因素分析,討論WPPSI-R之潛在因素架構。同時為了瞭解共同因素架構在不同年齡層間是否具有一定之穩定度,也將常模樣本分為三個年齡層,每組300人,分別進行因素分析。此外,研究者並探討每一個分測驗之g因素負荷量,以及不同變異來源,以便對WPPSI-R整體測驗架構與個別分測驗之角色有更深入認識。研究主要發現如下:(1)台灣常模在WPPSI-R上呈現明顯之語文與作業「二因素架構」;(2)此「二因素架構」在不同年齡層間具有相當之穩定性;(3)語文分測驗普遍比作業分測驗有較高之g因素負荷量;(4)「矩陣推理」與「動物椿」分測驗之表現與傳統研究結果不同,值得深入探討。文中並討論研究限制並對未來研究提出建議。


The Wechsler Primary and Preschool Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) is the most recent standardized intelligence test for young children age from 3 to 7 1/2 years old in Taiwan. The main purpose of this study was to examine the factor structure of WPPSI-R in Taiwan. Data based on the Taiwan WPPSI.R norm sample of 900 young children was analyzed, and both the exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted ‘Furthermore, the g loading, and both common and specific variance for each individual subtest were also examined for a better understanding of the role each subtest play in this battery. Four major findings were as the following: (1) Two common factors, Verbal vs. Performance, were identified in this sample; (2) This Two-factor solution is consistent across various age levels; (3) Verbal subtests generally have higher g loadings while compared to performance subtests; and (4) Matrix Reasoning, Animal Pegs, and Object Assembly were subtests which deserve more studies. Research limitations and suggestions for future researches were also discussed.


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