  • 期刊


The Development of a Scheme for the Professional (Pedagogical) Competency Development of Educational Personnel of Junior Colleges and Universities/Institutes of Technology



本研究旨在暸解我國技專校院教師對於教育專業所持信念,以及教育專業能力成長之態度、意願和需求,據以建構合適之技專教師教育專業成長配合方察。 本研究採自編調查問卷為研究之工具,問卷編製過程包括文獻探討、專家會議討論及預試。問卷實施時間為民國94年4月至6月,針對抽樣之技專校院教師共計寄發問卷1,268份(科技大學578份,技術學院601份,專科學校89份),回收問卷595份(科技大學249份,技術學院300份,專科學校46份),回率為46.9%。經剔除基本變項填寫不完整者13份,有效樣本為582人。 研究主要發現有以下十點:1.教育專業能力根據因素分析結果得到九個能力構面;2.教育專業成長意圖可由教育專業信念、教育專業能力成長需求程度及教育業能力成長重要程度變項解釋達39.1%;3.教育專業信念會因為學校公私立別、學制別、系科群別、性別、年齡、年資、職稱、學歷及教育專業背景而有所差異;4.教育專業成長意圖會因為學制別、系科群別、職稱、學歷及教育專業背景而有所差異;5.教育專業能力項目依成長需求程度由高而低排序分為教學實施能力、研究能力、資訊應用能力、人際關係與溝通能力…等,而且會因學制別、學校地區、系科群別、性別及學歷而有所差異;6.最合適之進修地點為任教學校內;7.最合適辦理進修之時間為寒暑假;8.最合適之成長方式為參加教師研習活動;9.最合適之激勵方式為提供實質獎勵補助;10.最合適之專業規範方式為訂定教師教育專業指標。 根據研究結果,建議具體之技專校院教師教育專業能力發展策略,並提出教育專業能力成長之可行方案,供教育行政人員作為提升教師教育專業和改進教育品質之參考。


The major purposes of this study were to understand the teachers' (educational personnel in junior colleges and universities/institutes of technology) belief, intention, and needs for professional (pedagogical) competency development, thus to formulate the appropriate scheme and strategies. Methods of literature review, panel discussion, pilot instrument-test, and questionnaire survey as well as appropriate statistical analysis techniques were applied to achieve the research objectives. A list of professional (pedagogical) competencies and schemes was first established. A self-constructed questionnaire was then developed and applied to 1268 teacher subjects randomly selected from 98 academic departments of 53 junior colleges and universities/institutes of technology in Taiwan in May 2005, of them 582 returned, achieving an usable response rate of 45.9%. Major findings were as follows: (1) Teachers' belief need and intention of professional (pedagogical) development were positive. (2) There were 54 items of professional (pedagogical) competencies, which were classified into nine component factors. The first five factors in order of necessity were as follows: Instruction Ability Research Ability, Computer Literacy, Interpersonal Relationship and Communication Ability, and Teaching Preparation. (3) Ten socio-demographic variables were significantly correlated with belief and intention. (4) Teachers' belief and need can explain 39.1% of the total variance of intention. (5) According to teachers' opinion, the schemes (including location, time, method, motivation incentive, and requirement for professional credentials) of professional development they preferred were proposed. Based on the results, the study proposed suggestions for the educational authorities and junior colleges and universities/institutes of technology in Taiwan on the recruitment, evaluation, promotion, and in-service training of educational personnel and the improvement of instructional quality.


