  • 期刊


Physical Activity Program and Working Memory in Preschoolers: EEG Power and Coherence


目的:探討身體活動課程對學齡前兒童工作記憶的影響,檢驗以下假說:參與身體活動課程的兒童執行工作記憶作業時,與控制組相比較,前者反應表現較好,且額葉θ波功率、高頻α波功率、額葉-頂葉區θ波相干性皆明顯較高,而額葉-頂葉區高頻α波相干性則顯著較低。方法:參與者為39位5至6歲學齡前男童,其中21位兒童參與為期6個月的身體活動課程,另外18位為控制組,在足球課程結束後,以WPPSI-R中的句子測驗及Sternberg作業檢測參與者的工作記憶表現,並將兩組參與者執行工作記憶作業之反應表現及腦波活動進行t考驗。結果:身體活動組男童在右顳葉的高頻α波(11-13 Hz) 及兩側顳葉的低頻α波(8-10 Hz)功率顯著比控制組高,且右顳葉-頂葉低頻α波相干性顯著高於控制組。結論:身體活動課程對學齡前兒童工作記憶表現的影響,在顳葉及頂葉的腦波活動呈現差異,表示身體活動可刺激和語意記憶提取及表現相關的海馬體活動,且有助於連結神經資源以完成工作記憶表現。


Purpose: To examine effects of the physical activity program on the preschoolers' working memory. It was hypothesized that preschoolers participating physical activity program respond higher performance, and θ power in the frontal lobe, α2 power, θ coherence between the frontal and parietal lobe will be more active, and α2 coherence between the frontal and parietal lobe are less active. Methods: Participants were 39 5-to-6-year-old preschoolers. Twenty-one boys participated in physical activity program for six months, and the other 18 boys did not and served as control group. After the physical activity program, the preschoolers' working memory was estimated with Sternberg's task and the Sentence Test of WPPSI-R. We analyzed the preschoolers' EEG when they were implementing Sternberg's task and response performance by t-test. Results: It was found primarily that the α1 (8-10 Hz) and α2 (11-13 Hz) power at T4, and α1 power at T3 of the participating group were more active than the non-participating group. The α1 coherence on T4-P4 of the participant group was stronger than the non-participant one. Conclusion: The effects of physical activity program on preschoolers' working memory were on the temporal lobe and parietal lobe. That indicated physical activity enhances the activity of hippocampus related to semantic memory retrieval and performance.


physical activity working memory preschoolers EEG


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