  • 期刊


From Treatment to Prevention: The Change of Healthy Body Thinking




Health was originally defined as absence of diseases in the early days, while now this definition has been extended to a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing. The expectation for health varies from culture to culture and changes over time. As the society became more industrialized and urbanized, the modern ways of living brought up many new health problems. Thus, the promotion of a health lifestyle became the prime focus. Oriental medicine and early western medicine both emphasized the equilibrium between our bodies and the outer world. As the development of medical technology, many diseases can be eliminated, or well controlled under close monitor. Nowadays, because of the desire for beauty and the pursuit of better body image, modern medicine is no longer confined to treatment of physical discomfort. We believe that the medical services have been transformed into a body industry, and each individual human body is a gorgeous stage show. Finally, through the summary of the relevant literatures believe that people are having more autonomy over their health, actively seeking a healthier lifestyle. The definition of health is also extending from the traditional concept of holistic wellbeing, toward a harmonious state between the human being and the universe, in which they can grow up together and benefit from each other.


body health crisis health life health industry


"Definition of Health Promotion", American Journal of Health Promotion, , Path: Technology History; This Day in Technology History, 4 August 2011.
王暉評,〈疾病根源之探討─萬疾由酸起〉,http://myloto.net/cal_doc/, 2011年8月3日檢索。
世界衛生組織,〈2002年世界衛生報告〉,http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2002/WHO_WHR_02.1_chi.pdf, 2011年3月5日檢索。
行政院衛生署,〈肥胖防治要從小紮根〉,http://www.doh.gov.tw/CHT2006/DM/SEARCH_RESULT.aspx, 2011年7月8日檢索。


林慧敏、劉美珠(2019)。健身新趨勢-身心康適(somatic wellness)概念與發展中華體育季刊33(2),61-72。https://doi.org/10.6223/qcpe.201906_33(2).0002
