  • 期刊


The research of women's softball players transfer to play women's baseball


棒球運動在台灣風行已久,唯「男棒」、「女壘」之觀念一直深植國人心中,直至近年女子棒球運動之發展才漸露鋒頭,目前國內女子棒球選手多為女子壘球選手轉任,兩者之遷移雖有其優勢但亦有諸如體能、技術、適應等方面之問題。由於相關文獻的缺乏及過去對此議題之忽略,因此本研究以從事女子壘球運動十年以上並轉戰女子棒球運動之選手20 名為研究對象,採深度訪談法,探討女子壘球選手轉而從事女子棒球運動之發展現況。本研究之結果如下:(一)女子壘球選手與女子棒球選手之來源應有所區分以避免過度負荷造成運動傷害並抑制無壘球背景之選手的發展;(二)女子棒球舉辦賽事之目的應以落實國內基層發展並提升國際競技水準為主,避免因目標導向如選拔國家隊而舉辦,以提升制度化與專業化之培育系統水平;(三)成立中華民國女子棒球協會,以利相關事務之承辦、落實與推廣;(四)宣導性別平權的觀念以增加女子棒球曝光率,進一步提升國人對女子棒球之支持與投入。期許本研究能有拋磚引玉之效,促使更多人關注女子棒球運動,重視女子壘球與女子棒球之間的相互關係,進一步提升臺灣女子壘球及女子棒球運動之水平,並供體育與運動領域之研究者與實務者參考。


女子棒球 女子壘球 遷移 選手 代表隊


Most women's baseball players have the background from women's softball, it has both advantages and disadvantages. Interview method is used in this research, Due to lack of researches and ignore this issue for a long time, this research is based on twenty women's baseball players's experience to explore their deeply experience meaning and the situation of women's baseball. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The players of women's softball and women's baseball should comes from different places to reduce to get sports injuries by over-exercise and reduce the percentage of participant who didn't have the background of women's softball. (2) Organizing women's baseball competitions should focus on develop basic skill and performance level in international game, try to contribute the education system. (3) Establish Women's Baseball Association of R.O.C to manage the business of women's baseball. (4) To advocacy the concept of gender equality, to make women's baseball becomes more visibility, to gain more support and recognition of it. This research is as a reference to coaches, players, and related research.


Baseball Softball Transfer Player National Team
