  • 期刊


The Investigation on the Sport Psychological Skills among Intercollegiate Tennis Players


本研究的目的是探討國內優秀大專網球運動員不同性別、競技水準與球齡在心理技能上之差異與關係。參與者是130名參加90學年度大專運動會網球比賽第一級的男女選手(男80人,女50人),平均身高為172.28 ± 8.33 cm,平均體重為64.97 ± 11.14 kg,平均年齡為21.46 ± 2.67歲,平均球齡是8.33 ± 3.61年。研究結果發現:一、國內優秀大專男子網球運動員之心理技能因素由高至低分別為:「可教導性」、「壓力因應」、「動機」、「自信心」與「專注」;女子網球運動員之心理技能分別為「可教導性」、「動機」、「壓力因應」、「自信心」與「專注」。二、不同性別:男子運動員在「壓力因應」與「自信心」兩項因素上顯著高於女子運動員。三、不同競技水準:國手組在「動機」因素上顯著高於非國手組。四、球齡:與心理技能中的五項因素皆有正相關。研究結果建議教練應於平日訓練中,加入心理訓練,以提升選手臨場運動表現,特別要針對不同性別運動員在心理技能上的差異,並施予個別的心理訓練,文末並提出未來有關心理技能的研究方向。


心理技能 競技水準 球齡


The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, to investigate the differences of psychological skills among different gender and competitive levels' intercollegiate tennis players. Second, to examine the relationships between years of training and psychological skills. Participants were 130 tennis players (males= 80, females= 50) with average age = 21.46 ± 2.67 years, years of training = 8.33 ± 3.61 years, who enrolled in 2002 Intercollegiate Tennis Competition. After received the informed consent from coaches and players, participants were asked to complete a questionnaire that assesses their demographic data and psychological skills. The results indicated as followed: (1)The males of tennis player' sport psychological skills sequence at the present stage was ”coachability”, ”stress coping”, ”motivation”, ”self-confidence” and ”concentration”. (2)The females of tennis player' sport psychological skills sequence at the present stage was ”coachability”, ”motivation”, ”stress coping”, ”self-confidence” and ”concentration”. (3)The males of tennis player showed significantly higher level on ”stress coping” and ”self-confidence” than females. (4)Participants who have been in National team scored higher on ”motivation”. (5)Tennis players' years of training were positively correlated with all factors of the sport psychological skill. The research suggests that coaches should use psychological skills training in regular sport training to enhance athlete's performance.


