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Professional Competencies Analysis for Small and Medium Size Restaurant Entrepreneur


本研究以餐飲業的創業者作為研究範疇,探討中小型餐館創業者所應具備的專業能力,以因應創業教育及整體企業環境所需。研究的方法主要以職業能力分析法(Occupational Competency Analysis Profiles;簡稱OCAPs)為主。此外,為提高專家取向的廣度,研究方法並輔以「餐廳現場觀察」與「餐廳創業者訪談」,使研究資料得以相互印證而更臻完整。研究的結果發現,在現場觀察的部份,餐館創業者分階段有不同的工作項目。第一階段為規劃期;第二階段為發包期;第三階段為監工期;第四階段為驗收期;第五階段則為正式開幕。另外,由DACUM會議發展出職責7大項,包含:創業計畫、現場營運管理、財務管理、行銷管理、經營策略、人事管理、危機管理;從以上職責衍生出任務64項;能力項目84項。專業能力技能的部份包含:決策分析、人際網絡與應變能力、餐飲專業與技能研發、庶務管理、人際溝通能力。經專家審核職責及任務後,並發放問卷,讓創業者填答其歸屬,於回收的292份問卷中,發現64項屬必備職責任務,以及84項必備專業知能皆被列在必備的項目。依據上述之研究調查結果,本研究對餐館業創業者、餐飲業、學校相關科系及職訓單位提出建議,並針對未來可研究的方向作一建議。


This research focused on issues regarding entrepreneurship in the food and beverage industry, and in particular, explored the professional competencies required by the operator of a small and medium entrepreneur (SME) restaurant in order to cope with the needs of the industry environment. The research method mainly utilized the Occupational Competency Analysis Profiles (OCAPs) method. In addition, in order to increase the diversity of the expert selection, the research also applied job-site observation and interviews with the restaurant entrepreneurs to ensure that the research materials will be consistent and more comprehensive. The research found, based on job-site observation, that entrepreneurs were faced with different tasks in different stages. The first stage was the planning period, the second stage was the contracting period, the third stage was the inspection period, the fourth stage was the acceptance period, and the fifth stage was the opening period. In addition, 7 major duties including business plan, on-site operational management, financial management, marketing management, business strategy, personnel management, crisis management, from above 64 job tasks and 84 competencies were developed by the DACUM profession conference. For professional competencies, decision analysis, network adaptability, catering professional and skills development, general affairs management, interpersonal communication skills were developed. In the end the study used questionnaires to survey 292 SME restaurant entrepreneurs. It appeared that all the job items and occupational competencies were listed as required items. Based on the research results, this research included proposed recommendations for SME restaurant entrepreneurs, the food and beverage industry, and school and vocational training institutes, as well as for future studies.


SME entrepreneurship restaurant competency O CAPs


