  • 期刊

期刊俱樂部(Journal Club)於提升臨床工作者實證健康照護能力之前驅研究

The Journal Club in enhancing the competency of evidence-based practice among healthcare professionals: A pilot study



1875年,威廉‧奧斯勒爵士在加拿大麥吉爾大學建立第一個正式的期刊俱樂部,主要目的在嚴格評論近期的科學文獻,並促進實證醫學之臨床應用。在臨床工作中推動期刊俱樂部聚會,有助於推動實證知識轉譯。本研究旨在探討期刊俱樂部對於提升實證健康照護能力,以及其對改變臨床決策的成效。研究結果顯示,期刊俱樂部能提升健康照護者之實證健康照護能力(all p value < .05),以「文獻評讀」領域進步最多。專業素養及核心能力方面,得分較高的為「病人照護」(Mean, SD 4.6±0.50)及「實證照護」(4.6±0.51);得分較低的為「研究能力」(4.0±0.71)、「人際溝通」(4.0±0.61)及「統計方法」(3.5±0.80)。期刊俱樂部舉辦之後,雖有因此增修臨床照護準則及說明書,但病人照護結果指標仍需進一步追蹤。


Sir William Osler established the first journal club (JC) at McGill University in 1875. The main purpose of the JC is to appraise the recent scientific literatures and promote clinical application. In clinical work, periodical JCs can promote the process of knowledge translation. The aims of this study were to explore the effect on competencies of evidence-based practice among healthcare professionals who participated journal clubs, as well as the impact on changing clinical decisions. The results demonstrated that the evidence-based practice competencies were significantly increased (all p value < .05), especially in "literature appraisal" domain. Among the domain of professionalism and core competencies, the higher scores were "patient care" (mean, SD 4.6 ± 0.50) and "evidence-based practice" (4.6 ± 0.51); the lower scores were "research skills" (4.0 ± 0.71) "interpersonal communication" (4.0 ± 0.61), and "Statistical ability" (3.5 ± 0.80). Although some standard procedures and instructions were revised, however, for the effectiveness of long-term patient outcomes indicators after knowledge translation, it requires further researches.
