  • 期刊

Madelung Disease with Scrotal Involvement- A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Madelune disease併陰囊脂肪堆積─案例報告及文獻回顧


背景:Madelung disease,又稱為對稱性多發性脂肪瘤,是非常罕見的疾病。它的病因常和大量飲酒相關,但仍有爭論。目的及目標:我們報告一位患有Madelung disease之46歲亞洲男性,其臨床表徵及成功的治療經驗。材料及方法:這是一位46歲的亞洲男性,其主訴為漸進式的陰囊腫大。此外,尚有後肩頸部脂肪堆積。切除後之病理報告為多發性脂肪瘤,其臨床表現符合Madelung disease。除了手術外,病人在精神科醫師幫助之下成功戒酒。結果:在脂肪切除及生活型態調適後,追蹤兩年,臨床及影像學上都無復發。結論:治療Madelung disease依賴手術切除及抽脂術。戒酒可預防其復發。




Background: Madelung disease, also known as symmetrical lipomatosis, is a very rare disease. The etiology is controversial; heavy alcohol intake is frequently associated. Aim and Objectives: We report the clinical manifestation and the successful treatment of an Asian male with Madelung disease. Materials and Methods: A 46-year-old Asian male presented with progressive scrotal enlargement. Besides, he also had lipomatosis over posterior neck and shoulder region. Excisional biopsy was performed and pathology report showed lipomatosis. The clinical manifestation was compacted with Madelung disease. In addition to the operation, the patient was also referred to psychiatrist and his abstinence from alcohol was successful. Results: There’s no radiological and clinical recurrence after lipectomy and life style modification at the 2-year follow-up. Conclusion: Treatment of Madelung disease depends on surgical resection or liposuction. Alcohol abstinence is important to prevention of recurrence of Madelung disease.


madelung disease alcohol lipomatosis scrotum
