DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2012020台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 32: 317-330 (2012) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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The Component of Stomach Content and the Characteristic of Prey in Taiwan Landlocked Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus) from Cijiawan Stream, Wuling, Central Taiwan 【Research Article】

I-Hsun Yang1, Lin-Yan Liao2, Onozato Hiroshi3, Yii-Shing Huang1*, and Jeng-Tze Yang4*
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Received: 2012/11/5     Accepted: 2012/12/17     Available online: 2012/12/01
This study investigated the ecological feeding preference based on the stomach content of Taiwan landlocked salmon (Oncorhynchus masou formosanus Jordan & Oshima, 1919). In order to justify the prey value and the environmental significance of those three major aquatic insect Orders observed in the stomach content of this study in 2006, a duplicate 24-hr duration experiment was conducted to investigate the digestion capabilities of mature and juvenile fish fed insect preys with each of the insect order of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera or Trichoptera. In addition, there were 92 fish samples collected from five stations in Cijiawan Stream and Goshan Stream from 2006 to October 2007. The ratio of aquatic by the terrestrial insects found in the stomach contents was 7:3 in 2006 and was 3:7 in 2007. The cause of the switch to ingest a high proportion of terrestrial insects was probably due to the four consecutive typhoons disturbing the area and which might have flushed most of those aquatic insects away.

本研究是在不影響鮭魚存活的前提下,利用催吐法 (stomach pump) 調查台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭 Oncorhynchus masou formosanus (Jordan & Oshima, 1919) 在野外實際利用昆蟲食餌的情形,分析胃內含物之昆蟲碎片比較各目昆蟲之碎片數量、重量組成,探討鮭魚食性之偏好;另外從消化狀態及食餌能量之變化發展出可評估之指標值,以便客觀分析評估台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭取食後之生理過程來推估其目前調適性之取食行為。本研究以2006 年胃內含物組成之分析結果分成三個部分:首先為胃內含物組成分析、其次是胃內含物消化指標試驗及第三部分的食餌昆蟲之營養組成分析。胃內含物調查2006 及2007 兩年,其中2006 年水生與陸生昆蟲所佔數量比例是7:3 而2007 年則是3:7;根據2006 及2007 年之颱風來襲情形推估,此差異可能與颱風造成之干擾有關,在颱風之後,水生昆蟲被山洪沖走,數量不足,台灣櫻花鈎吻鮭可能以陸生昆蟲作為替代食餌;以2006 年結果與1937 年日本上野之調查結果6:4 之比例而言,水生昆蟲仍是鮭魚的主要食餌。食餌昆蟲各目組成之中,水生昆蟲以蜉蝣目的數量最多,毛翅目次之;陸生昆蟲則是雙翅目居多。消化所需的時間,以體外試驗結果而言,毛翅目需時最長,超過16 小時,襀翅目次之,所需時間約為16 小時;蜉蝣目需時最短,約為14 小時。能量分析結果,水生昆蟲蜉蝣目、襀翅目及毛翅目比較,單隻蟲體所能提供的能量以毛翅目最多,與野外的調查配合,據此推測毛翅目可能是提供鮭魚主要能量的食餌昆蟲。本研究另量測鮭魚食餌體長與體重,以便未來進

Key words: Oncorhynchus masou formosanu, stomach contents, digestion state, insect fragment, prey
關鍵詞: 台灣櫻花鉤吻鮭、胃含物、消化狀態、昆蟲碎片、食餌
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