DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2012023台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 32: 355-375 (2012) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Life Table of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with a Discussion on Jackknife vs. Bootstrap Techniques and Variations on the Euler-Lotka Equation 【Research Article】

利用玉米穗蟲Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) 的生命表與Jackknife和Bootstrap方法之討論與Euler-Lotka Equation的變異【研究報告】
Ratna K. Jha1,2, Hsin Chi1, and Li-Cheng Tang1*
陳 樂1,2、齊 心1、唐立正1*
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2012/06/05     Accepted: 2012/06/18     Available online: 2012/12/01
Life table data for Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) that were reared on an artificial diet at 29°C were collected in the laboratory and analyzed using the age-stage, two-sex life table. The age-specific fecundity was calculated based on the number of eggs hatched in order to accurately reveal the biological characteristics of H. armigera by capturing the variation in hatch rate with female age. The intrinsic rate of increase (r), finite rate (λ) and mean generation time (T), net reproductive rate (R0), and gross reproductive rate (GRR) of H. armigera were 0.1029 d-1, 1.1083 d-1, 36.7 d, 40.2 offspring and 68.6 offspring, respectively. The relationship between the net reproductive rate and the mean female fecundity was consistent with theoretical proof. This study indicated that a 29°C temperature regime is not as conducive as a 25°C temperature regime for rearing H. armigera on an artificial diet in the laboratory. The standard errors of the life table parameters were estimated using both the jackknife and bootstrap techniques. The frequency distribution of the sample means obtained by the jackknife technique failed the normality test, while the bootstrap results fitted the normal distribution well. Because the jackknife technique generates biologically meaningless zeros for the net reproductive rate, it should not be used for estimating the standard error of the net reproductive rate. The application of the jackknife technique in estimating other population parameters requires further examination. For a correct estimation of the intrinsic rate, the age index and the exponent in the Euler-Lotka equation should be chosen according to the definition of the age-specific survival rate (lx) and the age-specific fecundity (mx). Because the age-stage, two-sex life table accurately describes the survival, development, stage differentiation, and reproduction of insects, we suggest it should be used in the analysis of insect demography.

本研究以年齡齡期兩性生命表理論分析玉米穗蟲Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) 在實驗室29°C的環境條件下取食人工飼料之生命表。以孵化卵數計算年齡別繁殖率可正確呈現不同日齡雌蟲所產的卵之孵化率的變化,並準確的呈現玉米穗蟲的生物學特性。玉米穗蟲的內在增殖率 (r)、終極增殖率 (λ)、平均世代時間 (T)、淨增殖率 (R0) 以及粗繁殖率 (GRR) 分別為0.1029 d-1、1.1083 d-1、36.7 d、40.2 offspring以及68.6 offspring;淨增殖率及雌蟲平均繁殖力間的關係與理論證明相符。本研究指出,以人工飼料飼養玉米穗蟲的方式在29°C的環境條件並不如25°C下有利。利用jackknife和bootstrap兩種方法估計生命表族群參數的變方與標準誤差,以jackknife重新取樣的方法所得到的pseudo values之頻率分布在常態檢定下是失敗的,但bootstrap的結果符合常態分布檢定。因為在使用jackknife方法時會產生沒有生物學意義的淨增殖率為零的pseudo values,因此jackknife的方式不應該用來估算淨增殖率的標準誤差。jackknife應用在其他族群參數的估算上需要有更進一步的探討。為了正確估算內在增殖率,Euler-Lotka方程式中的年齡標示必須符合存活率和繁殖率所定義的年齡標示。由於年齡齡期兩性生命表準確描述昆蟲的存活、發育、齡期分化以及繁殖,我們建議昆蟲的生命表分析應使用兩性生命表。

Key words: Helicoverpa armigera, intrinsic rate of increase, Euler-Lotka formula, jackknife, bootstrap
關鍵詞: 人口統計學、內在增殖率、Euler-Lotka方程式、Jackknife、Bootstrap。
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