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論文名稱(外文):Effects of LED Color Temperature on Office Readers' Emotion
外文關鍵詞:Office readingLEDs lightingilluminationLEDs colorimetry
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照明的目的主要是提供空間適當的照度、色溫與照明方式,以滿足使用者在生理與心理上的需求。在相關研究中顯示,進行閱讀等行為時,光源照度在300-750 lux 之間,搭配色溫在3300-5000°k 之間的組合,並配置吸頂式燈具或建築式照明的照明方式最佳。本研究針對RGB LED高演色性特性,來探討不同色溫度、照度環境下對辦公室閱讀者的心理影響。
本研究以語意分析法(Semantic Differential,SD法)為基礎,針對實驗自變項色溫(2800°k~6000°k)以及照度(300Lux~750Lux)等不同光環境,透過25位受測者以回答問卷方式,藉以找出適合LED最適合辦公室閱讀照明環境。
綜合上述,受測者偏好色溫環境為4000°k~5200°k;照度環境為500Lux~750Lux。其中又以4800°k/750Lux較佳在此色光環境下,在此照明環境下,對空間狀態所產生的心理聯想感受程度,以「非常光明的」、「稍微輕盈的」為最高;對空間所產生的心理情緒形容之感受程度,以「稍微興奮的」、「稍微自在的」為最高;對空間所產生的心理情緒反應之感受程度,以「普通多變的」為最高。可提供RGB LED照明設計或室內設計業者在設計時作為參考。
The purpose of lighting is to provide a suitable illumination, color temperature and lighting way that can satisfy the user’s needs in the physiology and psychology in a limit space. For reading actions, showed by related studies, the best illumination value is between 350 and 750 lux with a color temperature ranges from 3300°K to 5000°K under commercial lighting. In this study, we discuss how the illumination conditions included RGB LEDs’ high color rendering property, different color temperature and illumination values affects the psychology of reader in an office.
The methodology of this study is based on semantic differential method using two independent variables which are color temperature (2800°K~6000°K) and illumination (300 lux ~750 lux) to build the variable lighting surroundings. The goal of the lighting experiment is to establish a scientific way to obtain LED lighting conditions which are suitable for office reading through a questionnaire survey proposed by this study.
The results showed that the best lighting surrounding for whole experimental subjects is 4800°K/750lux. The detail results can be categorized into three groups: sex, age and education. The female subjects are prefer to 4400°K/750lux and the male ones are 4800°K/750lux. The 21~30, 31~40 and 41~50 years old subjects are prefer to 4000°K/500lux, 4800°K/750lux and 4800°K/750lux separately. In education group, the preferences for senior high school, college, university and graduated school are 4800°K/750lux, 4400°K/750lux, 4800°K/750lux and 5200°K/750lux separately.
Comprehensively evaluating the results motioned above, the proper lighting-condition preferences for subjects are the surrounding color temperature with 4000°K ~ 5200°K and the luminance with 500lux ~750lux. The best one of these lighting conditions is 4800°K/750lux。 For the whole subjects in the best lighting condition, the psycology associated feelings of space situation are to the extent to which the “very bright” and the “little graceful” as the highest. The psycology described feelings of space are to the extent to which the “little excited” and the “little confortable”as the highest. The psycology reaction feelings of space are to the extent to which the “common variable” as the highest. These results showed by this paper can be provided as the important designing references for RGB LEDs lighting design industries.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究流程 3
1.4.1 研究限制 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 照明 5
2.1.1 照明發展歷程 5
2.1.2 人工照明技術比較 8
2.2 光與視覺 13
2.2.1 視覺生理現象 13
2.2.2 視覺與心理 15
2.2.3 光與色彩 16
2.4 LED照明 21
2.4.1 LED 的發展 21
2.4.2 LED照明特性 22
2.5 色溫度對應人體心理反應之相關研究 23
第三章 研究方法 26
3.1 實驗目的 26
3.2 實驗基本條件 26
3.3 實驗變項 31
3.4 實驗順序與實驗流程 33
3.5 心理實驗研究方法 33
第四章 實驗結果分析 37
4.1 視覺感知量表之同意度檢驗 37
4.2 受測樣本屬性之分佈情形 37
4.3全體受測者在 9 種色溫 3 種照度環境下的滿意度分佈情形 38
第五章 結論與建議 45
5.1 研究結論 45
5.2 研究檢討 46
參考文獻 49
附錄一 問卷 51
附錄二 全體受測者在 9 種色溫 3 種照度環境下的描述性統計結果 52
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