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論文名稱(外文):Application of Ergonomic Technique to Improve The Workplaces of An Ink Factory
外文關鍵詞:Functional working postureWork-Related Musculoskeletal disordersErgonomic technique
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The object of this study is to use ergonomics technique to improve the workplace design of an ink factory. Work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) is becoming increasingly serious in industrial countries as well as in Taiwan. The proportion of WMSD cases among all occupational injury is generally above 30%. WMSD affects not only worker’s health, but also lowers productivity and reduce the competitiveness of a country. It is generally agreed that the major causes of WMSD are poor posture, over-exertion, high-repetitiveness, shock and vibration, high and low temperature. Among these five causes, bad posture will interact and significantly elevate the musculoskeletal stress due to others causes, such as over-exertion. It is regarded as the root cause among them. To reduce WMSD, poor posture should be improved in the first place. Ergonomics principle suggests that functional working posture should be adopted during work, for it is the most nature and energy-saving posture under the requirement of task performance.
In this study, ergonomics technique is used to improve five workplaces in an ink factory. These five workplaces are color comparison, 1 kg-ink-can packaging, ink feeding, 16 kg-ink-can packaging, thinner can packaging operations. The process of improvement begin with on-site observation of current work situation and task process, followed by identification the causes of WMSD with OWAS checklist, then improve workplace design based on functional posture, finally evaluate the effectiveness of improvement also with the same OWAS checklist. The results of evaluation show that musculoskeletal stress has been substantially lowered after improvement, and WMSD can be reduced. This study has demonstrated a simple and effective method on prevention of WMSD, it can be promoted.

Keywords:Functional working posture, Work-Related Musculoskeletal disorders,
Ergonomic technique, OWAS
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論..............…………………………………………………………..……..1
第二章 文獻探討……..………………………………………………………..……..3
2.1職業性肌肉骨骼傷害 3
2.2 機能工作姿勢 7
2.2.1工作活動性需求與基礎機能工作姿勢的關係 9
2.3 肌肉骨骼傷害之評核工具 12
2.3.1檢核表法 12 人因基準線風險認定檢核表(BRIEF) 13
2.3.2姿勢分析法 14 OWAS 14
2.3.3 生物力學分析法 16
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 現況觀察 20
3.2辦識肌肉骨骼危害成因:問題診斷 20
3.3針對危害成因進行改善:改善方案 21
3.4 評估改善效益 22
第四章 研究結果 23
4.1 色相比對 23
4.2 1公斤油墨裝罐 26
4.3油墨上料 30
4.4 16公斤油墨裝罐 34
4.5 松香水裝罐 38
第五章 討論與結論 43
參考文獻 45

圖2-1 肌肉骨骼傷害佔職業傷害百分比 5
圖2-2不良姿勢與其他因素產生加乘作用 6
圖2-3 VDT工作站的理想工作姿勢 8
圖2-4頭頸屈曲角度與MVC關係圖 10
圖2-5軀幹屈曲角度與MVC關係圖 11
圖2-6 BRIEF 檢核表圖例 14
圖2-7 OWAS姿勢編碼表圖例 15
圖2-8 Chaffin摸式示意圖 17
圖2-9 NIOSH1994抬舉工作姿勢圖 19
圖3-1改善前成品封箱包裝情形 20
圖3-2成品封箱包裝改善前 OWAS 21
圖3-3成品封箱包裝改善建議示意圖 22
圖3-4成品封箱包裝改善後 OWAS 22
圖4-1色相比對 23
圖4-2色相比對改善前OWAS 24
圖4-3色相比對改善建議示意圖 25
圖4-4色相比對改善後OWAS 26
圖4-5 1公斤油墨裝罐 27
圖4-6 1公斤油墨裝罐改善前OWAS 28
圖4-7 1公斤油墨裝罐改善建議示意圖 29
圖4-8 1公斤油墨裝罐改善後OWAS 30
圖4-9油墨上料(一) 31
圖4-10油墨上料(二) 31
圖4-11油墨上料改善前OWAS 32
圖4-12油墨上料改善建議示意圖 33
圖4-13油墨上料改善後OWAS 34
圖4-14 16公斤油墨裝罐(一) 35
圖4-15 16公斤油墨裝罐(二) 35
圖4-16 16公斤油墨裝罐改善前OWAS 36
圖4-17 16公斤油墨裝罐改善建議示意圖 37
圖4-18 16公斤油墨裝罐改善後OWAS 38
圖4-19 松香水裝罐 39
圖4-20松香水裝罐改善前OWAS 40
圖4-21 松香水裝罐改善建議示意圖 41
圖4-22松香水裝罐色改善後OWAS 42

表2-1常見的肌肉骨骼傷害與職業別 4
表2-2 動作分析之行動等級/行動水準 15
表5-1 OWAS改善效益分析表 43
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