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作者(外文):Teng, Jey
論文名稱(外文):Six Sigma Project Selection for PCB industry
指導教授(外文):Su, Chao-Ton
外文關鍵詞:Six sigmaProject selectionPolicy managementPCB
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關鍵字: 六標準差、專案選擇、方針管理、PCB
In recent years, many domestic company have to promote the Six Sigma activities, hoping to improve the quality and profitability. Six Sigma was founded by Motolora, GE and other large enterprise in the world, its methodlogy and practices have been implemented and widely introduced through papers and professional counseling organizations. However, in addition to six sigma’s methodology, the priority is how to select Six Sigma projects in line with company’s policy. Project without the right selection, will not achieve the expected results and benefits, but also resulted in waste of company’s resources. Therefore, how to select the appropriate Six Sigma projects to implement is very important for a company.
In this study for PCB industry, Policy Management started at the beginning, then combined with company philosophy, objectives and vision, and resulted in possible action / projects. This study provide a methodology and impletmentation for company to select the right Six Sigma project to improve. Hope that this study will not be limited to PCB industry, and can be used as other industries reference in the Six Sigma project selection.
Keywords: Six sigma, Project selection, Policy Management, PCB
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖索引 VI
表索引 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究方法 1
1.4論文架構 2

第二章 相關文獻 3
2.1全面品質管理 3
2.1.1品質的定義 3
2.1.2品質的演進 4
2.1.3日本與美國的TQM 6
2.1.4方針管理 7
2.2六標準差 9
2.2.1六標準差的源起、定義及發展 9
2.2.2六標準差的組織架構及人員角色 12
2.2.3六標準差的策略與專案選擇 14
2.2.4六標準差的執行 17

第三章 研究方法 19
3.1六標準差專案的產生 19
3.1.1方針管理 19
3.1.2專案展開 20
3.2六標準差專案選擇流程 21
3.2.1重要性評估 21
3.2.2難易度評估 22
3.2.3二維專案地圖展開 22
3.3六標準差專案執行流程 23

第四章 案例研究 - 以U公司為例 26
4.1 案例公司簡介 26
4.2 U公司TQM活動 27
4.3 U公司優質方針管理 29
4.4 U公司六標準差專案選擇 32
4.5 討論 38

第五章 結論 40

參考文獻 42
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9. Eckes, G., 2001, Making Six sigma Last: Managing the Balance Between Cultural and Technical Change, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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