  • 期刊


Effect of Insecticides on Closterocerus Okazakii and Chrysoncharis Pentheus (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Parasitoids of Liriomyza Sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae)


岡崎釉小蜂[Closterocerus okazakii(Kamijo)]與底比斯釉小蜂[Chrysoncharis penthesu (Walker)]在台灣是蔬菜斑潛蠅(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)之重要本地種寄生蜂。本文以藥劑浸漬帶有寄生蜂與僅帶有斑潛蠅豆葉之方法,於室內測試歐殺滅(oxamyl SL)、阿巴汀(abamectin EC)及賽滅淨(cyromazine SL, WP)等藥劑,對二種寄生蜂未成熟期與成蟲期之影響。結果得知上述三種藥劑雖對二種寄生蜂之未成熟期(卵、幼蟲及蛹期)均無顯著毒害,但對其成蟲期則均具顯著毒害。成蜂各接觸三種藥劑24小時,其間雌與雄蜂之存活率,僅阿巴汀降低岡崎釉小蜂各62.9與7.1%,歐殺滅降低底比斯釉小蜂各36.0與7.0%,其餘藥劑對寄生蜂無影響、或僅降低4.0-8.2%;生殖力方面,三種藥劑中以阿巴汀與賽滅淨對二種寄生蜂之抑制力較大,達75.0-87.7%,歐殺滅次之達50.6-58.3%。成蜂各接觸三種藥劑24小時後,繼之供以未經藥劑處理之寄主斑潛蠅,觀察對二種寄生蜂之雌蜂壽命、雄蜂壽命、子代成蜂數及致死寄主數等,均以阿巴汀毒效最大,各減少79.0-94.6%、61.7-67.5%、100及99.8%-100%。其他藥劑則依蜂種而定,在岡崎釉小蜂測試中,僅賽滅淨二劑型減少該蜂23.8%子代成蜂數,歐殺滅降低該蜂30.2%子代雌性比;底比斯釉小蜂測試中,歐殺滅與賽滅淨二劑型均減少該蜂42.4-52.5%子代成蜂數與21.9-34.5%致死寄主數。三種藥劑分別與岡崎釉小蜂或底比斯釉小蜂并用對斑潛蠅之致死率,比單獨使用岡崎釉小蜂或底比斯釉小蜂各增加0.6與1.5倍。阿巴汀與二種寄生蜂皆不相容,歐殺滅與底比斯釉小蜂不相容,僅賽滅淨與二種寄生蜂較為相容。慎選賽滅淨防治蔬菜斑潛蠅,岡崎釉小蜂與底比斯釉小蜂即可獲得較佳的保育。


Closterocerus okazakii (Kamijo) and Chrysocharis pentheus (Walker) are important native parasitoids of Liriomyza sativae Blanchard in Taiwan. In this study, seedlings of field bean (Phaseolus vulgaris var. communis Aeschers) infested with parasitoids or L. sativae were used to determine effect of insecticides (oxamyl SL, abamectin EC, cyromazine SL, and cyromazine WP) on C. okazakii and C. pentheus at different development stages under laboratory conditions. Results showed that all the three tested insecticides had a significant (p < 0.05) lethal effect on C. okazakii and C. pentheus in adult stage but no lethal effect on other development stages (egg, larva and pupa). When adult wasps were treated with insecticides for 24 hours, survival rates of female and male decreased by 62.9 and 7.1%, respectively, for abamectin in C. okazakii, 36.0 and 7.0%, respectively, for oxamyl in C. pentheus, whereas the others had no significant effects with decreased survival rates or significantly decreased by 4.0-8.2% only. The progeny of these two species of parasitoids decreased by 75.0-87.7% after the treatment of adults with either abamectin or cyromazine for 24 hours, and 50.6-58.3% by the treatment of adults with oxamyl. Among the three insecticides tested, abamectin was the most toxic insecticide for both parasitoid species. When adult wasps were treated with abamectin for 24 hours and released on untreated bean seedlings infested with hosts daily, the longevity of female wasps, longevity of male wasps, number of wasp progeny, and number of L. sativae killed by wasps decreased by 79.0-94.6, 61.7-67.5, 100 and 99.8-100%, respectively. In C. okazakii, treatment of adult wasps with both formulations of cyromazine resulted in 23.8% reduction of wasp progeny and treatment of adult wasps with oxamyl resulted in 30.2% reduction of female proportion. In C. pentheus, treatment of adult wasps with both formulations of cyromazine or oxamyl resulted in 42.4-52.5% reduction of wasp progeny and 21.9-34.5% reduction in the number of hosts killed by wasps. The percentage of hosts-killed increased 0.6 fold by the combined treatment of insecticide and C. okazakii, and 1.5 fold by the combined treatment of insecticide and C. pentheus, compared to the treatment of C. okazakii or C. pentheus alone. Abamectin was incompatible when used with both C. okazakii and C. pentheus, whereas oxamyl was incompatible with C. pentheus. The results suggest that cyromazine is less harmful to C. okazakii and C. pentheus and it can be used with these parasitoids for the control program of L. sativae.
