  • 期刊


Facing, Accepting, Growing and Expecting: The Practical Experience of Nursing Students during Their First Clinical Practice


背景 臨床實習是護理專業不可缺少、壓力大且影響深遠之學習經歷。 目的 探討護生初次實習的感受及整體經驗歷程。 方法 採現象學研究法,共收集9位北部某五專二年級初次實習護生的難忘實習經驗、實習總心得及實習日記。 結果 護生的實習經驗歷程四大主題,包括:㈠踏上興奮又緊張的旅程:期待寶貴的學習機會及表達害怕失敗的感覺、㈡認同專業角色模範:從學姊教導中體驗護理的內涵及領受指導教師循序漸進的教導、㈢在護病關係中成長:體認溝通之重要性、同理病患付出關懷及感受病患為最佳老師、㈣看見自我專業能力,期許未來的學習:學習真實情境的照護技巧、檢討實習表現並自我鼓勵、發現自己的進步與展望。 結論/實務應用 護生初次實習的經驗歷程,可做為其他學生自我準備的參考方向。也可提供指導教師及護理人員更進一步了解護生實習的感受、經驗及困難,陪伴及協助護生在專業學習中獲得較正向經驗。


護生 初次實習 經驗歷程


Background: Clinical practice experiences, while important, can be highly stressful for nursing students and have a deep effect on their subsequent professional development. Purpose: This study explored nursing student experiences during their first clinical practice. Methods: The study used exploratory and descriptive research methodologies, and researchers selected a phenomenological approach to analysis. Nine nursing students described experiences centered on their first clinical practices using daily dairies and assignments. Transcripts were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results: Four major themes emerged from the data, including: (1) Joining an exciting and intimidating journey in which participants anticipated a precious learning opportunity while fearing failure; (2) Identifying professional role models in which participants learned about nursing content from nursing staff and through step by step instruction from teachers; (3) Growing into caring relationships in which participants increasingly realized the importance of communication, gave empathy and caring to patients, and discovered that patients are the best teachers; and (4) Insight into self-professional capacity and the expectation of their future learning in which participants learned from actual experience, evaluated self-performance and encouraged themselves. Such facilitated self-improvement and instilled the learning necessary to advance to the next stage. Conclusion: Nursing student clinical practice experiences may be used to both advance academic studies and enhance understanding of student feelings, difficulties and experiences. Such can assist nursing students to gain greater positive experiences in their profession.


