  • 期刊


Using Nursing Digital Technology to Reduce the Rates of Catheter-Associated and Non-Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection


背景:泌尿道感染為最常見的院內感染項目,導尿管使用與否均可能因照護缺失,導致泌尿道感染發生。本單位之泌尿道感染率為(千分之0.69),居院內一般病房泌尿道感染之首。目的:降低單位泌尿道感染率至院內一般病房均值(千分之0.37)以下。方法:修訂導尿技術標準及稽核表、製作留置導尿及會陰沖洗技術QR code(quick response code),快速反應矩陣圖碼)影片、推動病人飲水補充法、維護尿路系統順暢避免菌落聚集、修訂衛教單及海報、並落實護理人員在職教育等多元策略以降低泌尿道感染率。結果:泌尿道感染率由(千分之0.69)降至(千分之0.30);病人及家屬也反映QR code影片有助於學習照護操作行為,且可隨時學習,非常方便。結論/實務應用:運用QR code護理資訊化指導提高病人與照顧者學習照護技巧的可近性,護理人員可善用QR code製作更多衛生教育內容,提供更良好的照護服務。


Background & Problems: Urinary tract infection (UTI), the most common type of healthcare-associated infection, may result from negligence of care regardless of the presence or absence of catheterization. The UTI rate in our unit was (0.69 per mille), which was the highest among all of the wards in the hospital. Purpose: This project aimed to reduce the UTI rate to (0.37 per mille). Resolution: In order to achieve this goal, we amended the SOPs and audit table of catheterization, enhanced access to catheterization and perineal-wash-related instructional videos using quick response (QR) codes, encouraged and reminded patients to drink plenty of water, maintained the urinary drainage system free to avoid the growth of bacterial colonies, revised related healthcare education pamphlets and posters, and organized on-the-job training sessions for nursing staff. Result: The UTI rate fell from (0.69 per mille) to (0.30 per mille). Moreover, patients and their families responded well to the QR code method of accessing relevant videos, which enhanced technical knowledge and made the new information easy to learn. Conclusion: The use of QR code scanning enabled patients and their families to easily and conveniently watch videos on catheterization and perineal washing on demand. Nurses may employ QR codes in health education more frequently in order to provide higher quality nursing care.


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