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A Case Report of Low-Tension Glaucoma After Treating by Eye-needle Acupuncture


此患者為一56歲男性,98年被診斷出青光眼後皆在眼科穩定控制。於107/10/16某次駕車往返南北後,突發左眼視力模糊、嚴重眩光、眼部脹痛甚,至眼科診所測量,左眼眼壓過高,並伴有虹彩炎,緊急點用皮質類固醇快速降眼壓。開始使用口服藥物Diamox,幾天後出現胸口手掌顏面麻木症狀。因藥物副作用而與眼科醫師討論後停止口服藥Diamox,但停藥Diamox後,眼壓急遽升高,左眼眼壓:39 mmHg,遂前來求診中醫。經眼針治療三個月後,眼壓下降至正常範圍值,左眼眼壓:18 mmHg,眼脹痛感減緩,已無頭暈、不平衡感,並且也無視力模糊感,閃電般眩光的感覺也未發;眼壓高的患者在臨床上非常常見,西醫眼科醫師不一定能完全控制住眼壓,中西結合治療成為眼壓高的另一選擇,故以此病例分享供醫界參考。


This patient was a 56-year-old man who was suffered from glaucoma since 1998. On 10/16/2018, his left eye suddenly had blurred vision, severe glare, and eye pain. He went to the eye clinic for help, Ophthalmologist found that he had uveitis, and his left intraocular pressure was too high. Ophthalmologist use corticosteroids to lower intraocular pressure. And he started taking Diamox to decrease intraocular pressure, but after a few days, he had symptoms of chest tightness and facial/palm numbness as well. The drug Diamox was stopped after discussing with ophthalmologist due to the side effects of the drug. However, after stopping Diamox, the intraocular pressure was increased rapidly, and the IOP of the left eye was 39 mmHg, and the patient came to Chinese Medicine clinic for help. After three months of treatment with the eye acupuncture, the intraocular pressure dropped to normal range, the IOP of the left eye is 18mmHg. He was relieved from eye pain, dizziness, unbalance, blur vision, lightning-like glare. I sincerely share this case report to everyone as a medical reference.


賀普仁:秘傳眼科龍木論,北京科學技術出版社,2018(1);卷二 (20)。
Alan Palestine. MD, Crystal Hung. MD, John Davis Akkara. MD, Leonard K. Seibold. MD and Sarwat Salim. MD : Glaucomatocyclitic Crisis (Posner-Schlossman Syndrome), FACS。
