  • 期刊


Long-term Observed and Coastal Engineering Impacted the Mollusk Assemblage at Chai Shan


近年來海岸的開發導致天然海岸消失,人工化海岸會造成潮間帶棲地複雜度下降、微棲地減少,其中人工養灘(beach restoration)為常見的沙灘復育工程。本研究以人工養灘中的柴山海岸作為採樣地點,探討人工建構物與天然棲地軟體動物群聚差異。自2007年8月起至2009年6月,每月在消波塊海堤與天然岩礁設樣區採樣,以穿越線調查法分析該地潮間帶軟體動物物種群聚組成。兩棲地記錄得3綱12科23種,人工棲地記錄得3網9科14種,天然棲地記錄得3綱11科20種。比較兩種棲地之豐度及生物量皆以天然棲地較高,而歧異度及均勻度則以人工棲地較高。利用MDS比較兩棲地的物種組成差異,結果顯示兩棲地的物種組成有明顯差異。天然棲地有優勢物種蕎麥蛤(Brachidonte, pharaonis)帶狀生長於低潮位,人工棲地則無明顯優勢物種。2008年3月後人工棲地軟體動物物種只剩下高潮位的玉黍螺,應與當時抽沙工程造成物種群聚受到干擾有關。2008年11月後天然棲地的蕎麥蛤大量減少,可能是養灘工程完工造成堆沙效應使低潮位遭覆蓋有關。本研究結果可供養灘計畫和海岸工程及柴山海岸生態資源參考依據。


There are many coastal engineering in Taiwan. Artificial coast cause the complexity decreasing at intertidal habitat and micro-habitat. We compared the difference of the mollusk assemblages between jetty and natural rocky habitats in Chai Shan from August 2007 to June 2009. We sampled mollusks at jetty and natural rocky monthly, using the transect line survey to analyze the composition of intertidal species. We recorded 12 family 23 species at two habitats. The dominant species-Brachidontes pharaohnis at natural habitat make abundance and biomass higher than at artificial habitat, but the B. pharaohnis assemblages was dead after November 2008. We used MDS to compare the variance of species composition at two habitats, finding the obviously difference between two habitats. Besides, we found the decreasing of species at artificial habitat after March, only the littorinids recorded at high shore. The result might associate with the beach restoration engineering in January to March. This research can provide references for beach restoration and coastal engineering.
