  • 期刊


Job Stress Among Township-Level Agricultural Extension Agents in Taiwan




Job stress perceived by township-level agricultural extension agents deserves more concern due to drastic changes of organization environments. This study is to specify stress perception and clarify the influential factors related to the job stress differences. The sample is drawn from two groups, township-level Farmer's Associations and official administrative organizations. In the mean time, the factors that might affect the differences are taken into account to examine the genuine relationship among organization and personal factors and stress perception. Personal interview is employed to recruit 314agents in north-central Taiwan throughout three counties. A total of forty-six job stress items are presented to all respondents and expertise insufficiency, and resource shortage are the primary causes for the respondents' stress reactions. A differential analysis is undertaken taking organization factor and stress scores into account, controlling interviewer's gender, education level, marital status, age, and tenure in agricultural extension work. It indicates that agents of Farmer's Associations generally express higher job stress perception than their counterparts form official organizations. Female and younger agents are subject to job stress. The proposed relationship among working environments personal characteristics, and job stress is confirmed after all.


龔士傑(2010)。工作壓力所衍生的疲勞倦怠對健康影響的研究 -以南部業務員為例-〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2010.00136
