  • 期刊

Effect of Specific Gravity and Radial Growth Rate on The Pilodyn Pin Penetration for Standing Jack Pine Trees

傑克松(Jack Pine)立木比重與徑向生長率對派樂釘(Pilodyn針)打入深度之影響



本研究係為求幼齡Jack Pine立木之木材密度與徑向生長率對Pilodyn針深度之影響,並試求季節對此針之打入深度有何關係。13年生Jack Pine共154株,22族系,每族系7株,以海株2或更多針打入其胸高部位去皮之相對側面於1983年晚夏測定一次,早冬再測定一次並攜回生長木樣每株各一條。平均木材密度,徑向生長率及第1,第2次針打深度各為0.34,3.10mm/年及23.7mm,23.1mm如表1所列。根據上述平均值,密度與生長率可區劃分為不同特性之4群木;即如第I群為高密度及高生長率之最優木,第II群為低密度及高生長率木,第III群為高密度及低生長率木以及第IV群為低密度及低生長率之最劣木(圖1)。密度與生長率及密度與針打深度均呈高度之負相關關係(圖2,3),而生長率與針打深度則呈顯著之負相關關係(圖4,5)。在交互相關中求得四變數均呈極顯著之相關關係,並可滿足地導入直線回歸(表2,3)。針打深度受兩季節(晚夏及早冬)之影響亦極顯著(表2),並其兩次之針打深度亦呈極顯著之相關(圖6)。


This study was purposed to evaluate the effect of wood specific gravity and radial growth rate on the Pilodyn Pin penetration for the standing young jack pine tress, and also tried to see if there waS any influence of seasons on the pin penetration. A total of 154 jack pine trees (13-year-old plantation, 7 tress each family, total 22 families) were pin penetrated (two or more pins every tree on diametrically opposite sidess of their breast height) first at the late of summer, 1983. Then, the second pin penetration was carried out by using similar manners and extracted an increment core simultaneously each of them at the early winter (beginning of the frost) same year. Mean valuesof the variables of wood specific gravity (S. G.), radial growth rate (G. R.), and first pin penetration, second pin penetration for these trees were 0.34, 3.10 mm/year, and 23.7, 23.1 mm respectively as Table 1 tabulated. There can be delineated into four different characterized group trees which including the superior trees of high S.G.-high G. R. and the inferior trees of low S.G.-Iow G. R. based on their respective mean values. Both S. G. vs G. R. and S. G. vs pin penetration were determined to be highly correlated with the negative form (Figure 2, 3) respectively. G. R. vs pin penetration on the other hand, was significantly correlated with a positive form (Figure 4,5). The inter-relationships among S. G., G. R. and depth of pin penetrations of the first and the second tests were computed and found they were significantly correlated, and also could be fit satisfactorily into the linear models (Table 2 ,3). The pine penetration influenced significantly by the seasons (Table 2), and its two penetrations were tested to be significantly correlated. (Figure 6).
