  • 期刊


Analysis and Application of Rainfall-Recharge in the Unsaturated Zone


本研究主要目的利用未飽和層水平衡模式進行未飽和層降雨入滲、地表逕流、蒸發散量及地下水補注量之推估,並且與Kim 於1996年推導之模式進行比較。解析模式之假設為(1)未飽和土壤入滲水呈均一性分佈;(2)土壤依單位水力梯度向下補注。Kim模式在不考慮土壤之殘餘含水量之狀態下進行地下水模擬,但殘餘含水量之存在將影響土壤之持水能力及土壤孔隙之充水狀態。因此本研究模式考慮土壤在具有殘餘含水量之狀態下進行模式解析。應用模式結合現地觀測資料以求得現地土壤參數校正值。由未飽和層土壤地表入滲、地表逕流、土壤蒸發散及地下水補注量推估結果可獲得兩不同模式之差異性。研究結果顯示,在考慮殘餘含水量及非線性蒸發散之情況下,本研究所推導之模式較Kim模式合理。


A water budget model modified from Kim et al. (1996) is developed to estimate the amount of infiltration, surface runoff, evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge in unsaturated soil profiles on the basis of hydraulic and meteorological data. The most assumptions made are (1)an instantaneous redistribution of moisture and (2)drainage under an imposed unit hydraulic gradient. A comparison between the proposed model and the Kim model is also presented. The volumetric residual water content is considered in this study rather than the Kim model. Validation of model is also made using field observation moisture data. Results of the proposed model showed a slightly smaller amount of cumulative infiltration than the Kim model in each kind of soil. In addition, the amount of cumulative groundwater recharge in the Kim model was less than in the proposed model. Mass balance and residual moisture content obviously affected the results of model evaluation. Therefore, the proposed model is more predictive of actual conditions than the Kim model.


infiltration recharge unsaturated zone water budget
