  • 期刊


Characteristic Analysis of Flow down a Slope under Uniform Rainfall


本研究將流場分為地表水層與地表下水層兩個部分,以半解析解方式,探討在降雨時,漫地流於坡面上的流動情形。考量坡地表面透水,且地表下的水流為孔隙介質流,觀察土壤特性對水體流動的影響,並考慮地表之水流速度不為零的真實情況。文中利用宋長虹(1993)建立的孔隙介質流模式作為控制方程式並搭配已簡化的Navier-Stokes 方程式,求得各層流速分佈之解。接著將所得各層流速解積分得到各層的流量,以建立坡面位置與水深之間的關係,並改變各種可能影響流況的參數,使用阮奇-庫特法(Runge-Kutta Method)求得水深值,再進一步得到對應的流況資訊。


This study analyzes water flow in an inclined plane under uniform rainfall using a semi-analytical approach. The surface is pervious ground. The flow within the layer is porous media flow. We observe how the soil affects the overland flow, and consider the flow velocity is nonzero on the ground surface. The velocity distribution in each layer can be solved by Song’s (1993) laminar model and simplified Navier-Stokes equation. Then the flow discharge is obtained by integrating the flow velocity. After solving the velocity of the overland flow, the influence of each parameter will be discussed. The flow depth can be found using the Runge-Kutta method. Then the relationship between flow velocity and water depth is built. Key Words: overland flow, pervious ground, porous media flow.
