  • 期刊


Using Visual Basic Program on Windows-Based of Free Overfall


工程上爲了達到治理河道和取水目的常設置跌水工、防砂壩或攔河堰等設施,能使上游河道保持穩定,但因構造物高度落差太大,高速水流沖擊下游河床,產生淘刷導致結構物破壞。本研究利用Visual Basic程式語言設計視窗化模組,由跌水高度H、渠床坡度S及上游水深Y0等作爲水力因子輸入條件,經由視窗化模式演算之後,可得自由跌水流作用下之水流特性、沖擊作用力及能量變化等數據,並呈列於表單中,可使跌水工設計上更爲便利。


The civil structures crossing the river have been widely used in both natural and artificial channels to process the water resource management. For energy dissipation, these structures usually lead to a sudden vertical change of channel slope and induce a free overfall flow. The impact force of drop usually damages the civil structure. This study developed a windows-based design module of free overfall through Visual Basic program. The investigation utilizes several hydraulic parameters such as drop height H, bed slopes S and head depth Y0 to be calculated by the windows-based design module. Therefore, this research can provide the reference for the following design of drop.
