  • 期刊


A Potential Network Interpretation and Algorithm for a LDR Reservoir Capacity Planning Mode


水庫線性供水決策規則設定供水量與已知或预测资料(如水庫的蓄水量、進水量、蒸發散與滲漏等)之间的線性關係,這個模式能以一般線件規劃方法解析,適合當作水庫初步規劃的分析工具。本文探討相關模式的一個高效率演算法。 本文考慮一個以供水、貯水與蓄洪爲目標的多功能水庫,這些功能需求與進水皆爲確定的時間序列。爲推求能使水庫饗量殼小的決策規則參數值,本文建左其模式,又將它轉換並劃分成可以依序解算的二個區段:[Ⅰ]單純規劃模式,具有位勢網絡結構,其變數爲水庫容量與各時期蓄水量等狀態值:[Ⅱ]操作參變數公式:供水量與決策規則參數以模式[Ⅰ]的狀態變數表示。因此,前段模式[Ⅰ]能以高效率網絡法求解狀態變數,所得代入後段公式[Ⅱ]即得供水量與參數。 上述單純水庫容量規劃模式具下列有位勢網絡特性:(1)圖像直觀,自然傳達供需時程觀念,(2)結構簡明,有效發揮演算分析效率。


This paper concern a reservoir capacity planning model with a linear decision rule for operation and its efficient algorithm. A multipurpose reservoir with known inflow sequence I(subscript t), where time period t-1, 2,……,n, is required to meet the following three minimal demand conditions: (1) reserved buffered space for flood, or the difference of reservoir capacity Sv and water storage S(subscript t) F(subscript t)=S(subscript tv) S(subscript t)≥F(subscript t) (superscript min), (2) minimal pondage, or the difference of water storage St and dead storage S(subscript o) L(subscript t)=S(subscript t)-S(subscript o)≥S(subscript t) (superscript min), and (3) net release △Y(subscript t), or the difference of release Y(subscript t) and inflow I(subscript t) △Y(subscript t)=Y(subscript t)-I(subscript t) (=S(subscript t)-S(subscript t-1)≥△Y(subscript t) (superscript min)=Y(subscript t) (superscript min)-It, where the equality Y(subscript t)-I(subscript t)=S(subscript t)-S(subscript t-1) is the water balance condition at period t and the release Y(subscript t) is a linear function of the initial storage S(subscript t), or Y(subscript t)=S(subscript t)-b(subscript t) with an operating policy parameter b(subscript t). Our problem is to minimize the reservoir capacity S(subscript v) while all demand conditions are satisfied. The problem is formulated as a linear program [O] which is partitioned into two subproblems [Ⅰ] and [Ⅱ]. [O]: Min z=S(subscript v), subject to S(subscript v)-S(subscript t)≥F(subscript t) (superscript min), S(subscript t)-S(subscript o)≥S(subscript t) (superscript min), S(subscript t)-S(subscript t-1)≥△Y(subscript t) (superscript min). [Ⅰ]: Min z=S(subscript v), subject to S(subscript v)-S(subscript t)≥F(subscript t) (superscript min), S(subscript t)-S(subscript o)≥S(subscript t) (superscript min), S(subscript t)-S(subscript t-1)≥△Y(subscript t) (superscript min), Y(subscript t)-I(subscript t)=S(subscript t)-S(subscript t-1), Y(subscript t)=St-b(subscript t) [Ⅱ]: Y(subscript t)=S(subscript t)-S(subscript t-1)+I(subscript t), b(subscript t)=S(subscript t+1)-I(subscript t), the solution of the last 2 constraints of [O] for Y(subscript t) and b(subscript t). Subproblem [Ⅰ] can be solved for S(subscript t), S(subscript v), and S(subscript o) with a potential network algorithm which is more than a few hundred times faster than with a linear programming method, The solution of [Ⅰ] is then substituted into [Ⅱ] to obtain Y(subscript t), and b(subscript t).


Chen, H. W. (2014). 水庫操作的不確定性分析:水庫水位的序率過程模型 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00831
