  • 期刊


Multi-objective Analysis of Ecological Landscape Planning for Agricultural Environments-A Case Study for Conserving Birds in a Highland Farm


景觀空間結構變遷影響著各種生態過程,景觀結構動態造成不同物種之棲地適宜性消長,景觀生態保育規劃應考量物種間棲地喜好之競合關係,以提供規劃者支援決策,在土地資源有限之農業生態系統中尤顯其重要性。本研究以國立台灣大學生物資源暨農學院附設山地農場之梅峰農場作為研究區域,選取黃腹仙鶲(Niltava vivida)、強腳樹鶯(Cettia fortipes)及綠背山雀(Parus monticolus)3種鳥類為目標物種,應用最佳土地利用格局最佳化模式LUPOlib進行最佳景觀之多目標規劃分析。研究結果顯示,3種物種具有不同類型之棲地喜好,且在規劃上呈現競合情形。其中,黃腹仙鶲喜好出現於鑲嵌於農業景觀中之小嵌塊體林斑地;強腳樹鶯喜好接近闊葉林之空曠地;而綠背山雀喜好完整之闊葉林斑塊。進一步將非劣勢解群集進行疊圖分析,討論各土地利用類型不可取代性之空間分佈。其中,農場東部的耕地邊緣可提供作為強腳樹鶯棲地而具高度之不可取代性,此處農地與森林邊緣之灌叢為強腳樹鶯之重要棲地;而西半部適合維持或新增小嵌塊體森林以提供黃腹仙鶲活動;最後,農場東南區的闊葉林不可取代性較高,在此可營造人工闊葉林以提供連結性好之森林嵌塊體予綠背山雀。綜整本研究成果,當執行生態補償或棲地復育時,景觀生態多目標規劃可有效提供土地利用規劃者決策支援。


Spatial configuration of landscape structure significantly influences various ecological processes and landscape dynamic strongly changes habitat suitability of species. Ecological landscape planning that account habitat trade-off among species can provide useful recommendations for decision making in landscape planning, especially in agricultural ecosystems. We applied a genetic algorithm based spatial optimization tool, termed Land-Use Pattern Optimisation Library (LUPOlib), to a multi-objective landscape planning intended to protect three bird species that has distinct habitat preference (Vivid Niltava, Brownish-flanked Bush-warbler, and Green-backed Tit) in the highland experimental farm at National Taiwan University (HEF, NTU). Our results showed the three focal species had distinct and conflict habitat preferences. Vivid Niltava preferred small patches of forest embedded in the agricultural landscape, Brownish-flanked Bush-warbler preferred edges of open areas, and Green-backed Tit prefer large patches of broadleaf forests. We conducted an overlapping analysis of the inferior solutions to demonstrate the spatial distributions of the irreplaceability of each replaceable land-use type. The farmlands in the eastside of HEF provided critical habitat for Brownish-flanked Bush-warbler and thus had high irreplaceability. The west side of HEF was suitable to restore some small forest patches for Vivid Niltava. Also the broadleaf forests in southeastern HEF had high irreplaceability and could be improved by restoring broadleaf forests to connect current forest patches for Green-backed Tit. In conclusion, the multi-objective analysis can effectively support the decision-making process of landscape planning with respect to ecological compensation or habitat restoration.
