  • 期刊


Improving the Utilization Rate of the Surgical Instruments in the Central Supply Room




過期包 滅菌效期


The expired instrument repetition causes the supply center to have to spend a lot of manpower in the time of reopening the package, checkup, and re-applying the antiseptic. This increases the hospital transport and business cost. The special case goal was to reduce the expiration ratio of the instrument packages. The main question was not regularly reorganizing the frequency of lowly used instruments. There fore the established special case group rallied the utilization ratio of lowly used instrument packages, matched the amount of many instruments to reduce the supposed number with various branches purchasing the same instruments, and the regular reorganization borrowing the instruments for a long time from the merchants, and lengthening the date of expiry of the instrument package. In five months, the expired instrument package of ratio fell from 21.5% to 4.11%. The daily processing expired package time fell from 273 to 80 minutes; Each month of expenditure cost fell from 80,000 Yuan to 16,000 Yuan.


expired package shelf life
