  • 期刊


The Evolution of Simplified Chinese Characters in People's Republic of China




After Chinese communist established the regime, the language in character aspect has a revolutionary reform. The definition of so-called character reform in communist China is actually a combination of three major movements in Mandarin promotion, Han-dialect spelling, and simplified Han-characters. Mandarin derived from Beijing dialect is the common language for Han ethnic. Han-dialect spelling is using Latin letter of alphabets to spell Han-dialect, which is Mandarin. Simplified Han-character is to simplify the Han calligraphy and cut down the number of Han characters. This research is based on chronological collection of Chinese leader's statements, ordinances and regulations, policy statements and relevant publications. on material selection and annotation, at first the focus was on the communism culture policies such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tze-Ton's Latinate movement of Han characters and latter on the attention switched to the national benefit in Mainland China. Latinate Han character was terminated and turned into limited simplification of Han characters. The main motivation axis behind these three movements is The Chinese Character Reformation Committee. The key person in this committee is Wu Yu-Chang. This article is a history record of their development, it calls for each other and is a vivid paper. Latinize Han character is inadequate to the spirit of Chinese character and Chinese culture, it is also a treason from international politic conspiracy, although the argument of such statement already vanished, this article still collect evidence and elaborate on it. However, with the fact that Mainland China and United Nation already apply Han-dialect spelling on the interpretation of Chinese names, it is for the benefit of staying on the global tract that Taipei city mayor Ma Yin-Chu and Minister of Education Tzen Chi-Lung also advocate Han-dialect spelling. Taiwan should endorse its international position rather than confined in domestic view. After all, company names in English version to facilitate export, street names and passport in English version etc all required to meet international norm and receive international validation. At last this article recommend the schools across the strait to read traditional characters and write simplified characters. Students in Mainland China can read traditional characters, and take the heritage of traditional Chinese culture. Students in Taiwan can read simplified characters and engage culture and business transactions with Mainland China.
