  • 期刊


Curse of the Pharaohs? The Ancient Egyptian Threatformulae of the Pharaohs




The so called "curse of the pharaohs" remains till today mysterious. It was brought to people's attention due to the mysterious deaths of some people of the Howard Carter's archaeological team and other personnel related to Carter's Discovery, after the tomb of the king Tutankhamun was opened in 1922. The ancient Egyptians indeed used some so called threat-formulae to protect their own tombs, corpses, sarcophagi and grave goods. However, the use of threat-formulae is not attested in the inscriptions from the royal tombs. Such formulae are just found in the royal decrees and boundary stelae. In this paper, I will discuss the threat-formulae from the pharaohs and analyze whether the curse of the pharaohs really exists.


Petrie, William M. F. Koptos. London: Quaritch, 1896.
Carter, Howard,Mace, Arthur C.(1963).The Tomb of Tut. ankh. amun.New York:Cooper Square Publ..
Carter, Howard,Mace, Arthur C.(1963).The Tomb of Tut. ankh. amun.New York:Cooper Square Publ..
Carter, Howard,Mace, Arthur C.(1963).The Tomb of Tut. ankh. amun.New York:Cooper Square Publ..
Edel, Elmar(1997).Der Vertrag zwischen Ramses II. von Ägypten und Ḫattušili III. von Ḫatti.Berlin:Mann.
