  • 期刊


Effect of Storage Temperature and Chemical Treatment on the Quality of Phalaenopsis Cut Flowers


蝴蝶蘭(Phalaenopsis spp.)切花於2/3花朵已開張之成熟度下採收,在5℃至15℃間6種溫度下貯放7日後,在20℃下瓶挿並調查花朵與花苞之壽命。結果顯示花朵和花苞對溫度的敏感性不同,在13℃貯放後有許多花苞會黃化脫落,但是花朵壽命會比15℃貯放者長;在11℃、9℃貯藏7日除了使花苞黃化脫落外,尚出現花朵轉幅失常,花面向下傾斜,花萼綠化等現象:在7℃、5℃貯放7日會使花苞夭折、小花梗與花瓣萎垂、花朵壽命縮短並產生異常之老化症狀,嚴重者產生水浸傷害。切花採收後以silver thiosulfate(STS)預措,並在20℃、11℃與貯放7天,貯藏期間以含蔗糖與8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate(8-HQS)之保鮮液保鮮,在20℃貯放者其瓶插壽命比無藥劑處理者增加一倍,在11℃貯藏者其花苞之黃化與脫落大為減少,但無法改善花苞之開張能力。這些藥劑處理對5℃貯藏切花之壽命及品質則完全沒有幫助。STS預措可使切花之吸水維持穩定,含糖保鮮液則可促進切花之吸水,二者配合使用的效果良好。


Phalaenopsis cut flowers with about one third of its florets at bud stage were harvested and subjected to various temperatures from 5℃ to 15℃ for one week and their vase life at room temperature and floret quality were studied. Storing at 13℃ for one week induced yellow and abscission of flower buds, but the life-span of florets were longer than those stored at 15℃. Storing at 11℃ and 9℃ not only caused abscission of flower buds, but also induced abnormality in florets including greening of sepals, declination of florets, loss of orientation. Storing at 7℃ and 5℃ caused further defect including abortion of flower buds, wilting of petals and pedicels, appearance of water soaking areas on petals and early senescence of florets. Flowers that were pulsed with silver thiosuif ate (STS) after harvest then stored at 11℃ in sucrose plus 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate (8-HQS) solution showed reduced yellow and abscission of flower buds, but no improvement on bud opening. The same treatment doubled the vase life of flowers that were stored at 20℃, but were of no use to those flowers that were stored at 5℃. Pulsing with STS maintained steady water uptake while sucrose and 8-HQS treatment enhanced water uptake of flowers.
