  • 期刊


Development of an Automatic Control System for Seed Drying


本研究所建立之種子乾燥自動監控系統,架設於臺中種苗繁殖改良場。本系統可自動同時監視、記錄30個乾燥倉入風口、出風口及大氣之乾、濕球溫度,並提供以下幾項功能: 1.視不同的作業需求,諸如最省能源、最短時間、最佳能源利用效率等,本系統提供五種不同乾燥控制策略供使用者選擇。 2.依據不同之控制策略調整燃油機噴油嘴的動作以間接控制熱風溫度,可節約燃油、降低成本,並提高乾燥後種子之品質。 3.由入出風口空氣之濕度差換算求得種子之含水率,可大幅減少定時量測含水率的人力。 4.提供安全警示功能,可避免機械故障無人維修的現象與定時巡視機械作業狀況的人力需求。


PC-based automatic control system for seed drying developed in this study was installed in Taiwan seed Inprovement and Propagation Station. The system is capable of measuring dry bulb and wet bulb temperature of the inlet heated air and exaust air of 30 drying compartments and their enviroment. Based on these sensor inputs, the system can provide following functions 1. There are five different control strategies available, Proper controls can be performed according to different objectives, such as the increase of labor use reduction of drying time and/or fuel consumption, etc. 2. According to different control strategies used, the system can adjust the fuel consumption, thus controll the temperature of the inlet heated air. With this function, the better quality of the dried seeds with less operating cost would be obtained. 3. The moisture contents of seeds during the drying process can be calculated based on the increase of the humitity of the air stream. Labor reguired for measuring the moisture content of seeds manually can thus be greatly reduced. 4. The man power reguired to insure the proper operation of the drying system can be saved by a safety alarm provided by the control system.
