  • 期刊


Development of Online Monitoring Technology for De-mineral Water in Power Plant


電廠鍋爐使用除礦水作為飼水,產製高壓蒸汽發電。因鍋爐屬高溫、高壓操作設備,當飼水陰/陽離子偏高時,爐管易發生點蝕及積垢問題,影響設備壽命與熱交換效率;除礦水陰/陽離子關鍵成份屬ppb等級,穩定控制技術待突破。本公司電廠除礦水之產製,水質分析頻率偏低為1次/週,陰/陽離子有超標疑慮,需研發線上監控技術。本研究利用線上離子層析儀,開發即時掌握除礦水超微量成份變動趨勢技術,達成水質100%監控之目的,並將陰塔樹脂出水導電度及操作策略最適化,提昇產水量。本研究建立能精準掌握7種陰離子F^-/Cl^-/Br^-/NO_2^- /NO_3^- /PO_4^(3-)/SO_4^(2-)與6種陽離子Li^+/Na^+/K^+/Ca^(2+)/Mg^(2+)/NH_4^+濃度ppb級線上監測系統,作為再生作業及回饋控制水質之依據。研發成果,除礦水Na^+/Cl^-/SO_4^(2-)之年異常頻率從3%降至0%,大幅提昇水質穩定性,每年降低再生次數10%,節省陰塔再生液鹼107噸/年。再者,藉由監控技術精準調控與陰塔操作最適化,提升除礦水總產能11.6%。


De-mineral water is used as a feed water in power plant boilers to produce the high-pressure steam. When the anion/cation concentrations of de-mineral water are too high, the furnace tubes are prone to pitting and fouling decreasing equipment life and heat exchange efficiency. As the anion/cation concentrations of de-mineral water were analyzed only once per week, the anion/cation concentrations of feed water were not timely monitored. This study aimed to develop an online monitoring and stable anion/cation concentration control technology to ensure good de-mineral water quality. We used online ion chromatography to continuously monitor the anion/cation concentration and to optimize the operational strategy of using anionic resin to improve water production. We developed an online monitoring system for seven anions and six cations concentrations as a basis for regeneration operations and feedback control of water quality. With the online monitoring system and feedback control, the Na^+/Cl^-/SO_4^(2-) annual abnormal frequency was reduced from 3% to 0%, the number of regeneration reduced by 10% per year, and NaOH chemicals saved by 107 tons per year. CSC enhanced the total production capacity of de-mineral water 11.6%.


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