  • 期刊


Study on the Development and Application of New Type Fertilizers for Economic Flower Crops (Ⅱ)-Instant Soluble Compound Fertilizers


本研究之目的在開發適於本省高經濟盆花作物施用之新型即溶肥料。供試之花卉有聖誕紅、蝴蝶蘭與嘉德麗亞蘭。肥料配方除參考國外者外,並探討不同氮鉀源之效應。原料方面氮源有硝酸態、尿素態與銨態三種不同組合;鉀源則針對硝酸鉀、氯化鉀、硫酸鉀與硫酸鉀鎂進行探討。肥料型態爲粉狀即溶複肥,可配合管路設備施用。 試驗結果顯示:不同三要素配方對聖誕紅、蝴蝶蘭與嘉德麗亞蘭等之肥效差異不顯著;而施用以硝酸鉀、尿素及硫酸鉀鎂爲原料試製之18-18-18-2(MgO)即溶複肥,肥效最佳。


盆花 聖誕紅 蝴蝶蘭 嘉德麗亞蘭 氮源 鉀源 粉狀肥料


The major research scope was to study the effect of various forms of nitrogenous and potassic fertilizers and the ratio of N, P2O5 and K2O. During the experimental period, quantitative measurements of growth vigor and flowering were taken. At the end of experiments, the optimal N-P2O5-K2O levels and sources for those high-price flower crops would be formulated for future production. The results showed that different formulations of compound fertilizer had little effect on the growth of poinsettia, phalaenopsis and catteleya, but significant responses was found with the sources of nitrogen and potassium for the manufacturing of compound fertilizers, As for palling flowers, a powdered form of fertilizer, 18-18-18-2 (MgO), with potassium nitrate, urea and potassium magnesium sulfate as raw materials showed the best result.
