  • 期刊


Effects of Ethylene and 1-MCP Pretreatment on Flower Wilting of Potted Phalaenopsis amabilis var. formosa Shimadzu


本研究以台灣蝴蝶蘭(Phal. amabilis var. formosa Shimadzu)探討蝴蝶蘭對乙烯敏感度,及乙烯作用抑制劑1-MCP(1-methylcyclopropene)的效應,取花梗上具10朵花苞進行,經1天黑暗貯運後陳列於溫室3天,第一大花苞黃化16%,黃化比例依花序位置(由下往上)遞減,最幼嫩花苞只有1.3%。以0.1-3.2 μL•L^(-1)乙烯處理12小時,花朵及花苞在一週內迅速萎凋達13-100%,濃度增加則萎凋加速,並增加其萎凋率,且較早開放之花朵及最大花苞對乙烯最敏感。供試花苞先處理800 nL•L^(-1) 1-MCP 12小時再處理2 μL•L^(-1)乙烯,幾乎可完全抑制乙烯所造成花朵及花苞萎凋的現象,但於處理後12-15天花朵萎凋率明顯增加,顯示1-MCP在台灣蝴蝶蘭上抑制乙烯之作用僅達12-15天。處理後30天,乙烯處理者花朵萎凋率仍較對照組不處理者爲速,且植株放置在溫室較低光室內者萎凋較少,顯示較強光可降低乙烯的殘效。1-MCP 800 nL•L^(-1)處理4小時或100 nL•L^(-1) 1-MCP處理8小時,都可保護花朵及花苞受乙烯之傷害。


The sensitivity of Phalaenopsis amabilis var. formosa Shimadzu (TS97) to ethylene and 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene) pretreatment was studied. To simulate dark transportation of Phal. (TS97), flower stalk with 10 buds were sleeved and boxed for one day. Then observed for 3 days, the bud wilting ratio decreased with increasing inflorescence position counted from below to top. Potted Phal. (TS97) flowers that were exposed to 0.1-3.2 μL.L^(-1) ethylene for 12h, had a wilting ratio for both flower and bud between 13-100% after 7 days. As ethylene concentration increased, the response of flower wilting was enhanced. The first bloom and the largest buds were most sensitive to ethylene. Flowers treated with 800 nL.L^(-1) 1-MCP (a volatile ethylene binding inhibitor) for 8 hours followed by 12 hours of ethylene exposure remained fresh without wilting up to 15 days. However, treatment with 1-MCP after 12-15 days, the flower wilting was increased with 1-MCP treatment. The data showed that 1-MCP blocked ethylene action of Phal. (TS97) during 12-15 days. Regarding lighting effect, more flowers wilting of Phal. (TS97) were recorded an indoor environment (23±1℃, 15-16 μmol.m^(-2).s^(-1) for 12 hours per day) than in the greenhouse 30 days after treatment. These results indicate that plants in bright greenhouse could decrease the ethylene action. Nevertheless, pretreatment with 1-MCP 800 nL.L^(-1) for the 4h or 100nL.L^(-1) for 8h could reduce the flower and bud wilting caused by ethylene on Phal. (TS97).


