  • 期刊


Natural Regeneration of the Floristic Composition and Structure of Machilus-Castanopsis Forest Zone in Southern Taiwan


本研究就台灣南部天然闊葉林中楠櫧林帶之林分組成現況,於林內設置區劃成70個15m×15m小區之大樣區,總共記錄76科114種植物,分析主要樹種之重要值指數(Importance Value Index; IVI),及族群構造(Population structure),就其林分空間組成進行主成分分析(Principle Component Analysis)與成分分析(Factor Analysis),以探討林分結構之特性,並推演林分更新之趨勢。由主要優勢樹種之族群構造分析,顯示其族群徑級與數量關係呈現穩定分布,將能持續更新與維持穩定。依主成分分析之成分解析,林分組成與結構更新之變異,可歸納出空間競爭與更新發育。將各變異項目以非加權配對法進行歸群分析,可將小區歸併成為林分更新之空間分布,發現各更新階段類型之面積大小不一,且呈不規則分布,尤其空間分布屬於鑲嵌填空的不連續分布。推估森林演替表現於林分內不同發育階段之塊集鑲崁組合與循環更替,形成楠櫧林帶持續更新之動態狀態。


This study investigated the floristic composition and regenerative state of the broad-leaved Machilus-Castanopsis forest in southern Taiwan. The forest zone was surveyed using 70 sample plot compartments each measuring 15m×15m. The survey found 114 plant species belonging to 76 families. The Importance Value Index was used and the population structure of the main vegetation was constructed. Principle Component Analysis and Factor Analysis for determining whether regeneration was occurring were used to analyze the stand. The population structure of main dominant tree species demonstrated the existence of a relationship between diameter class and number of tree species based on population diameter class. The stand would continue regenerating and maintain stability when the dominant tree specie population structure was constantly distributed. The timber regeneration and space completion major causal of stand variety were induced by Principle Component Analysis during sample plot consist construction. Applying the method UPGMA clustering revealed that quantities in a biotic community to collect and combine those of similar but small plots into a space of lumps, and collective zone in accordance with their variation relation of community, and examine the relationship between reforestation development in various different structures and breeding stage revealing that the inlayed components, and cycle replace formed an everlasting and renewable Machilus-Castanopsis forest.
