  • 期刊


Feasibility of Manufacturing Solid Biomass Fuel from Mixed White Popinac and Waste Tire


本研究旨在探討將研磨成粉並篩選為40-60 mesh之銀合歡材與輪胎廢料,依五種質量比(100/0~80/20)置入不銹鋼金屬模具內,以熱壓機成型,製成絕乾密度1.0g/立方公分之固態燃料磚。此等試材更藉高週波炭化爐,以300~600℃炭化溫度、10℃/min升溫速率進行炭化後,分析其炭磚收率、灰分、pH 值及熱值等性質。結果顯示,輪胎廢料和銀合歡木材之熱值分別為36,527及20,753 kJ/kg;炭化溫度愈高、持溫時間愈長,則炭磚收率愈低;炭磚收率因廢輪胎比例增加而提高。試材之pH值和灰分則隨炭化溫度和輪胎廢料比例提高而增加。固態炭磚炭化後之熱值較未炭化者為高。不論持溫時間為何,炭化溫度450℃時試材之熱值最佳。炭化溫度相同時,炭磚之熱值效應,隨持溫時間延長而增加。綜言之,原料混合比與炭磚之收率、pH值、灰分及熱值等性質,炭化溫度與炭磚之收率、灰分及pH值等,持溫時間與炭磚熱值均呈極顯著相關。如兩種試材依適當比例混合(WP/WT=80:20),所製成之燃料磚再經炭化處理(炭化溫度600℃)後,其熱值最高可提升51%,可行性極高,確實值得推廣。


White popinac (Leucaena leucocephala, WP) and waste tire (WT) were used as raw materials to seek the feasibility of manufacturing solid biomass fuel. Pulverized materials were screened to the range of 40-60 mesh. Mixtures of five mass ratios (100/0~80/20) were filled into a stainless steel mold and hot pressed for the manufacturing of fuel briquette at 1.0g/cm^3 (oven-dried). High frequency charcoalization furnace was used to pyrolyze these briquettes at seven charcoalization temperatures (300~600℃) with a heating rate of 10℃/min. Charcoalization yield, ash content, pH value and heating value were evaluated. The heating values of waste tire and white popinac are 36,527 and 20,753 kJ/kg, respectively. The higher the charcoalization temperature and longer the retention time, the lower the yield of charcoalized briquette. Heat value of briquette was significantly Improved after charcoalization. Briquette yield increased with increasing ratio of waste tire, while its pH value, ash content varied along with increasing charcoalization temperature and waste tire's ratio. The best heating value showed when charcoaliztion temperature reached 450℃, it did not matter what retention time was chosen. The heating value efficiency of solid charcoalized briquette increased with lengthening retention time, as long as charcoaliztion temperature was settled. Extremely significant correlations were found between raw materials ratios and either briquette yield, or pH value, ash content or heating value; between charcoalization temperature and either briquette yield, or ash content and pH value; between retention time and solid briquette’s heating value. In short, solid biomass briquette produced with adequate material ratios would display better heating value (51%) after charcoalization, for WP/WT=80/20 and charcoalization temperature of 600℃.


