  • 期刊


Operating Efficiency of Litchi Industry in Taiwan




This study analyzed the operating efficiency of litchi industry using survey data of agricultural production cost between 2008 and 2013. The analysis results were as follows. 1. For Heiye litchi, the average yield is the highest in Taichung (8,515 kg/ha) and the lowest in Kaohsiung (5,395 kg/ha); the cost of production is the highest in Taichung (NT$156,175/ ha) and the lowest in Kaohsiung (NT$130,535/ha); the revenue is the highest in Taichung (NT$65,871/ha) and the lowest in Changhua (NT$-27,188/ha) and the unit price is the highest in Kaohsiung (NT$35/kg) and the lowest in Changhua (NT$19/kg). Average yields, production costs, revenues and unit prices of Yu-her-pau litchi are all higher than those of Heiye litchi. For different production costs of both Heiye litchi and Yu-her-pau litchi, labor cost is the highest, followed by the cost of flow of capital goods. 2. The regional income ratio is the highest in Kaohsiung (70.79%) and the lowest in Nantou (37.95%). Taichung has the highest profit (NT$59,040/ha) for agricultural enterprises while Kaohsiung has the highest profit margin (29.94%). Both Changhua and Nantou have negative profit ratios between 2008 and 2013.Compared with Heiye litchi, Yu-her-pau litchi is 8.49% higher in income ratio; NT$213,971 higher in agricultural enterprise profit; 34.48% higher in profit margin. 3. Between 2008 and 2013, the amounts of actual sales and prices of Yu-her-pau litchi in all regions, except Changhua, are more than 10% higher than the break-even points, indicating guaranteed profits; while the break-even points in Taichung and Nantou are lower than the amount of actual sales and prices.
