

Research regarding physician suicide in Taiwan is lacking. Using national physician insurance data from January 1, 2000 to April 30, 2008, the present study aimed to explore the association between physicians' suicide and their characteristics, including age, sex, specialties, area of residence, hospital types, and suicide methods. The majority (53.1-70.6%) of suicide cases occurred among physicians in their 40s. More suicides were reported among physicians serving in the community, living in urban areas, and from specialties such as general practice, family practice, psychiatry, and surgery. The leading suicide methods were hanging/suffocation, drowning, jumping from heights, charcoal burning and drug poisoning. In conclusion, physicians committing suicide were likely to be in their 40s, to serve in the community and to live in urban areas. Future efforts should focus on exploring the causes and possible interventions for physician suicide.


cause of death community occupation physician suicide
