  • 期刊

Correlates of Body Dissatisfaction among Taiwanese Adolescents



目的:本研究目的為探討臺灣青少年體型不滿意之相關因子。方法:研究參與者係來自臺灣臺北縣五所國民中學,共計883位學生,年齡介於12-16歲之間。透過自塡體重與身高計算身體質量指數(BMI),並使用外型描繪評分尺度(The Contour Drawing Rating Scale)以評估體型不滿意程度。其它測量工具尚包含多向度身體意象評價量表-外表評價分量表(The Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Evaluation),Rosenberg自尊量表(The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale),社會文化外表評價量表-內化及知覺分量表(Socio-cultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire, [SATAQ]-Internalization and SATAQ-Awareness)以及身體活動測量。以性別分層方式,運用多元線性迴歸分析體型不滿意之相關因子。結果:女生在體型不滿意、社會文化理想外表之知覺及內化程度顯著高於男生,在多向度身體意象之外表評價得分顯著低於男生。該結果表示,相較於男生,女生對於自己的外表持較負面的態度,對於社會理想外表的認同度較高。男女生預測體型不滿意的顯著因子均為外表評價的滿意度、身體質量指數以及社會理想外表的內化程度。結論:本研究增加有關東方人體型不滿意程度的了解。在台灣及西方國家,外表評價的認知,身體質量指數以及社會理想外表的內化程度為預測體型不滿意的相關因子。然而,這些因子所能解釋男生體型不滿意的變異量並不高,有必要再深入探究男生體型不滿意的其他因子。


體型不滿意 身體意象 肥胖 青少年 臺灣


Purpose: This study was designed to explore factors associated with body dissatisfaction among Taiwanese adolescents. Methods: Participants were randomly selected from five high schools in Taipei County, Taiwan. A total sample of 883 adolescents aged 12-16 was included. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated using self-reported weight and height. The Contour Drawing Rating Scale was used to assess body dissatisfaction. Other measurements included the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Evaluation (MBSRQ-AE), the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, the Eating Disorder Inventory-Perfectionism, the Socio-cultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-Internalization and SATAQ-Awareness), and physical activity. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed separately by gender to examine predictors of body dissatisfaction. Results: girls reported significantly higher body dissatisfaction, awareness of the socio-cultural ideals (SATAQ-Awareness), as well as the internalization of those ideals (SATAQ-Internalization) and lower satisfaction with their physical appearance (MBSRQ-AE). This indicated that girls felt less positive with their overall appearance and had a higher level of recognition and endorsement of the social standards of appearance than boys. Satisfaction with physical appearance (MBSRQ-AE), BMI and internalization of socio-cultural ideals (SATAQ-Internalization) were unique predictors of body dissatisfaction for both genders. Conclusions: this study enhanced the understanding about body dissatisfaction in Eastern populations. Perceived physical appearance, BMI and internalization of the socio-cultural ideals predicted body dissatisfaction, which are evident in Taiwan, as well as in Western based research. However, these factors only explained a small variance in body dissatisfaction for boys, suggesting a need in identifying more factors related to body dissatisfaction among boys.


body dissatisfaction body image obesity adolescent Taiwan


Li, L. L., Chu, C. H., Sit, C. H. P., Chen, P. L., & Pan, C. Y. (2019). Effects of an after-school aerobic dance intervention on cognitive function and physical self-perception in adolescent girls. 體育學報, 52(2), 171-187. https://doi.org/10.6222/pej.201906_52(2).0003
