  • 期刊

Consumer Awareness and Self-Reported Behaviours Related to Salt Consumption in Australia



澳洲人的食塩攝取已趨對健康有危害的高量。2007年5月,食塩與健康的世界行動澳洲分會(AWASH)發起降低食塩攝取量的活動。先執行始點的消費者調查,以評量澳洲人對食塩和健康的認知與行為。從已建立好的消費者固定樣本抽出14歲或以上的1084位民眾,由ACA Research進行調查。受試者從澳大利亞各州及領地的主要城市及其他地區的各年齡層的男女性中分別選出。以電子郵件邀請受試者填寫簡要的網路問卷。有三分之二受試者知道食塩對健康有害,但只有14%的人確知建議的每日最高攝取量。有70%受試者確定飲食中的塩主要來自加工食品,但只有四分之一的人經常查看食品標示的塩含量。只有21%的受試者在購買食物時,會受到塩含量標示的影響。這份調查顯示澳洲人對食塩和健康關係的認知為中等程度,但有助降低食塩攝取量的行動跡象很少。為了降低澳洲人食塩攝取量,消費者教育將是一個必要的努力,並且需要政府投資目標性活動,以改進相關的知識和行為。


食塩 消費者 行為 公共衛生


Australians are eating far more salt than is good for health. In May 2007, the Australian Division of World Action on Salt and Health (AWASH) launched a campaign to reduce population salt intake. A consumer survey was commissioned to quantify baseline aspects of awareness and behaviour related to salt and health amongst Australians. A total of 1084 individuals aged 14 years or over were surveyed by ACA Research using an established consumer panel. Participants were selected to include people of each sex, within different age bands, from major metropolitan and other areas of all Australian states and territories. Participants were invited via email to complete a brief questionnaire online. Two-thirds knew that salt was bad for health but only 14% knew the recommended maximum daily intake. Seventy percent correctly identified that most dietary salt comes from processed foods but only a quarter regularly checked food labels for salt content. Even fewer reported their food purchases were influenced by the salt level indicated (21%). The survey showed a moderate understanding of how salt effects health but there was little evidence of action to reduce salt intake. Consumer education will be one part of the effort necessary to reduce salt intake in Australia and will require government investment in a targeted campaign to achieve improvements in knowledge and behaviours.


salt sodium consumer behaviour public health
