  • 期刊

Preferences of Healthy and Unhealthy Foods among 3 To 4 Year Old Children in Mexico



目的:評估日間照護的學齡前兒童喜好的健康及不健康食物,以及這與他們的父母、身體質量指數及社會人口學變項之相關性。方法:透過54張不同食物項目的圖片,詢問兒童及父母親的食物喜好。這些喜好與社會人口學變項的相關性以Phi相關、卡方檢定、費雪氏相關以及單變項和多變項邏邏輯斯迴歸分析。結果:265對父母親與兒童參與這個研究。冰淇淋、洋芋片及棒棒糖是兒童最喜愛的食物。相反地,榅桲果凍、咖啡及酪梨是最不受歡迎的食物。體重過重或是肥胖的兒童較喜愛榅桲果凍、蜜餞及蔬菜湯。由單變項邏輯斯迴歸分析,顯示低收入家庭(OR=2.56, p=0.007)和參加公立托兒所(OR=6.2, p=0.0001)的兒童喜愛低健康的水果加工品。當父親的教育程度加入包含家戶收入的多變項模式中,只有父親受教育少於9年的兒童,顯示較喜愛低健康食物。當父母親教育程度、家戶收入及父母親喜愛健康食物一起放入模式中,只有加入公立托兒所的兒童較可能傾向健康食物。結論:最受兒童喜愛的食物都是較高熱量密度的。兒童的身體質量指數、父母親的月收入、父親的教育程度及日間照護的形式,與他們喜愛健康或不健康食物具有相關性。


Objective: To evaluate the preference of healthy and unhealthy foods among pre-school children attending day-care and its association with that of their parents, body mass index and socio-demographic variables. Methodology: We asked children and parents to depict their food preferences through 54 pictures of different food items. The association between the preferences and socio-demographic variables was done using the Phi correlation, chi-squared, Fisher's correlation, as well as univariate and multivariable logistic regression. Results: Two-hundred and sixty-five parent-child pairs participated in the study. Ice cream, potato chips and lollypops were the foods most preferred by children. On the other hand, quince jelly, coffee and avocado were the least preferred. Overweight and obese children had a higher preference for quince jelly, preserved fruits, and vegetable soup. With univariate logistic regression, children of low-income homes (OR= 2.56, p=0.007) and attending public daycare centers (OR= 6.2, p=0.0001) preferred less healthy fruits. When the father's education was added in a multivariable model including family income, only children whose fathers had ≤9 years of education showed a higher preference for less healthy food. When parent's education, family income, and parent's preference for healthy foods were included to the model only children attending public daycares were more likely to prefer healthy foods. Conclusion: The foods most preferred by children have a high caloric density. The children's body mass index, their parent's monthly income, the father's education and the type of daycare they attended were associated with the preference of healthy or unhealthy foods.
