  • 期刊

Micronutrient Status and Its Relationship with Nutritional Status in Preschool Children in Urban Sri Lanka




目的:评估学龄前儿童微量营养素的状况及其与营养状况的关系。方法:采用横断面研究,收集斯里兰卡城市340名学前班儿童的人体测量数据和空腹血样。测定血清中维生素D、甲状旁腺激素、维生素A、锌和血红蛋白的浓度。计算人体测量指标身高年龄比、体重年龄比和体重身高比的Z-评分进行了计算来评价营养状况。结果:儿童中发育迟缓、低体重、消瘦和贫血的发生率分别为7.1%、16.9%、21.2%和7.4%。儿童中锌和维生素A缺乏的发生率分别为67%和38%。儿童中维生素D缺乏(<10 ng/mL)和不足(10-20 ng/mL)的发生率分别为5.0%和29.1%,并且甲状旁腺激素水平提示12%的儿童有低钙血症。营养状况与维生素D状况显著相关(p<0.05)(身高年龄比,r=0.10;体重年龄比,r=-0.18;体重身高比,r=-0.12)和血红蛋白的状况(体重年龄比,r=0.11)。严重发育迟缓儿童的锌和维生素A水平低于正常身高儿童(p<0.05)。维生素D和甲状旁腺激素显著负相关(r=-0.12),血红蛋白和维生素A(r=0.01)、锌(r=0.02)和维生素D(r=0.02)水平显著正相关(p<0.05)。结论:在被调查的人群中,锌缺乏率略高于维生素A缺乏和维生素D不足的发生率。儿童的营养状况与维生素D和血红蛋白的状况有关。严重发育迟缓儿童的锌和维生素A水平低。维生素A、维生素D和锌水平与血红蛋白的状况有关。


Objective: To assess the micronutrient status and its relationship with nutritional status in preschool children. Methods: In a cross sectional study, anthropometric data and fasting blood samples were obtained from 340 children attending preschool in urban Sri Lanka. Serum concentrations of vitamin D, parathyroid hormone, vitamin A, zinc and haemoglobin were measured. Z-scores of anthropometric indices of height-for-age, weight-for-age and weight-for-height were computed to evaluate the nutritional status. Results: Prevalence of stunting, underweight, wasting and anaemia among children were 7.1%, 16.9%, 21.2% and 7.4%, respectively. Deficiencies of zinc and vitamin A occurred among 67% and 38% of children, respectively. Vitamin D deficiency (<10 ng/mL) and insufficiency (10-20 ng/mL) occurred in 5.0% and 29.1% of children, respectively, and12% had parathyroid hormone levels indicative of hypocalcaemia. Nutritional status was significantly correlated (p<0.05) with vitamin D status [height-for-age (r=0.10), weight-for-age (r=-0.18), weight-for-height (r=-0.12)], and with haemoglobin status [weight-for-age (r=0.11)]. Zinc and vitamin A levels were lower in severe stunting compared with normal height (p<0.05). Significant correlations (p<0.05) were observed between vitamin D and parathyroid hormone (r=-0.12) and between haemoglobin and vitamin A (r=0.01), zinc (r=0.02) and vitamin D (r=0.02) levels. Conclusions: In the surveyed population, zinc deficiency was high and to a lesser degree vitamin A deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency prevailed. The nutritional status of the children was related to vitamin D status and with haemoglobin status. Zinc and vitamin A levels were low in children with severe stunting. Vitamins A, D and zinc levels were associated with haemoglobin status.
