  • 期刊


Microsurgical Correction of a Periapical Lesion Combined with Dehiscence of the Buccal Cortical Plate-Case Report


牙髓組織與牙周組織關係緊密相連,牙髓壞死造成慢性根尖周圍炎,若無適當牙髓病治療將產生根尖病灶,甚至沿冠部延伸。感染也可能經特定管道與牙周組織產生動態交通,進而形成牙髓-牙周合併病灶增加臨床癒合難度。根尖病灶慢性延伸到合併邊綠骨破壞(marginal bone destructiol)常使成功率大幅降低,因此有研究報告提出合併引導組織再生術(guided tissue regeneration, GTR)以期提升治癒機會。本篇病例報告為一59歲男性患者,求診主訴左下顎第一小臼齒長膿包。臨床檢查陶瓷牙冠邊緣密貼度良好,無繼發性齲齒,頰側近心處有一8釐米窄深之牙周探測深度。X光檢查顯示先前己有根管封填,月暈狀放射線透射之根尖病灶約10×10釐米。手術時發現根尖病灶合併頰側骨開裂,邊綠骨性缺損嚴重。經診斷骨性缺損主要起源於牙髓病感染造成後續邊緣組織破壞,因此並未合併引導組織再生術,直接採用顯微根尖手術合併根尖逆向封填治療;術後13個月追蹤顯示完全骨性癒合。正確診斷與審慎評估可以節省病人的時間與費用,並創造醫病雙贏的最大效益。


The treatment of advanced periodontal breakdown as a result of an endodontic lesion constitutes a multifaceted challenge to clinicians. A case with a prior root canal filling, suppurative apical periodontitis, and apicomarginal communication with the mandibular left first premolar is described. An exploratory flap revealed severe dehiscence of the buccal cortical plate. Root end resection with retrograde filling was performed without guided tissue regeneration procedures. Clinical and radiographic findings at the 13-month recall exhibited marked periapical healing. The differential diagnosis of an endodontic-periodontal lesion and proper treatment in this case were the keys to successful treatment.
