  • 期刊


A Survey of Counseling Research Ethics Code Building




This study aims to establish the counseling research ethics and to explore the present situations of counseling research ethics in Taiwan. The research questionnaire was developed through literature reviews, a focus group of 11 counseling researchers, and a validation session with 10 college instructors who have taught at least one course in research methods or ethics. 102 college instructors in the counseling field completed the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, t tests, and ANOVA were applied to examine the data. In addition, the opinions of participants were collected. The results showed that most participants held positive attitudes toward establishing research ethics codes. However, nearly 20% participants reported having difficulties following some of the research ethics guidelines, especially those regarding institutional approvals of research proposals and the procedural requirements of conducting experiments. Participants who had taught courses in both research methods and ethics reported more difficulties with implementation. The present study showed that even with strong support for having research ethics, some counseling researchers expressed hesitations and concerns about the ethics implementation regarding proposal approvals and requirements. This study highlights the importance of having easy-to-follow ethical requirements and procedures so that the ethics in counseling research are enhancement rather than become barriers that bring further complication. This study also suggests efforts to diminish researchers' hesitations.


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