  • 期刊

Strategies for a Safe Cirrhotic Liver Resection



肝切除目前仍屬於複雜的外科手術,此手術若施行於肝硬化病人,則危險性更大,爲了增進肝切除的成果,建立肝硬化病人安全的肝切除模式是必要的。對肝硬化病人肝切除前必需好好控制此等病人所伴隨的合併疾患。使其符合美國麻醉學會所規定的第一或二級狀態。術前以胃鏡檢查有否合併胃食道靜脈瘤。若有腎衰竭病患,則週手術期間應以不含肝素之溶液作血液透析。手術中應用術中超音波以得知肝內脈管走向。肝切除過程中應減少中心靜脈壓及應用間歇性的肝門阻血法。肝切除範圍則由吲哚氰綠的滯留率高低而定,術中輸血量則儘可能保守。有血小板減少時(小於8萬/立方公厘),則於術中則同時切除腫大的脾臟。 術後則給予低劑量的dopamine,得以保持肝血流量,在腸胃道功能未回復前,則建議輸以富含枝鏈胺基酸的溶液,一旦有手術合併症時,應及早對應。基於以上的策略,目前肝切除已相當安全,手術死亡率應在1%以下,甚至爲0%。




Liver resection remains a complex surgical procedure. This procedure is more risky when performed on cirrhotic patients. To improve the results of liver resection, strategies for a safe cirrhotic liver resection should be worked out. Preoperative assessments include control of associated comorbidities to fulfill ASA class Ⅰ and Ⅱ, gastroduodenal endoscopy to detect the associated gastroesophageal varices and perioperative heparin-free hemodialysis in patients with end-stage renal diseases. The extent of liver resection is based on the indocyanine-green retention rate. Intraoperative assessments include routine use of intraoperative ultrasonography, liver parenchymal transaction under low central venous pressure and intermittent hepatic inflow blood occlusion, and a restrictive policy of blood transfusion. Concomitant splenectomy may be suggested in patients with hypersplenic thrombocytopenia. After operation, intravenous low-dose dopamine or dobutamine is recommended. Fresh frozen plasma or albumin may be infused to keep serum albumin level >3g/dl. A branch-chain amino-acid enriched solution is suggested after liver resection for positive nitrogen balance. Based on these strategies, the mortality of cirrhotic liver resection can be reduced to<1%, and even 0%. Liver resection in a cirrhotic patient is no longer a risky operation. The indication for cirrhotic liver resection may be extended.
